The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Daily Bridge Club

Take your time


Cy the Cynic says that speaking without thinking is like firing a gun without aiming at anything. When you’re a defender, you won’t hit your target if you play without thinking.

Today’s South had an awkward call at his second turn. He jumped to three hearts, invitation­al, though he would have preferred a six-card suit.

West led the jack of diamonds: three, seven, deuce. Pleased at having struck gold, West continued promptly with the ten. East overtook with the queen and cashed the ace.


East then led a spade, but South took the ace, led a trump to his hand and ruffed his last diamond in dummy. He drew trumps, lost a club to the ace and claimed, making three.

West misfired. He had to pause to count his tricks at Trick Two. East won’t have six good diamonds, not having bid, so West can see three diamonds and a club. To prevail, West takes his ace of clubs before he leads a second diamond. He can discard his last club on the third diamond and get a club ruff.


Youhold: K9763 8532 J 10 A 2. The dealer, at your left, opens two hearts (a weak twobid). Your partner doubles. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s double promises at least a bit more than opening values, and he has help for the unbid suits, especially the other major. (He might have a strong hand with a long suit.) Your hand is too promising to bid two spades. Bid four spades or jump to three to invite game. North dealer N-S vulnerable

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