The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Daily Bridge Club

Inclined to error


Bridge players are often less tolerant of their partner’s errors than their own.

“Do you think players tend to be judgmental?” I asked Cy the Cynic in the club lounge. I got a typical reply.

“Of course,” Cy said. “I can tell that some people are judgmental just by looking at them.”

Cy was dummy in today’s deal from a cut-around penny game. At four spades, South ruffed the third heart and drew trumps. He next led the A-K and a third diamond. Alas, East took the ten and queen for down one.


“Your partner’s play wasn’t best,” I remarked to Cy.

“I knew he was a palooka when he sat down at the table,” the Cynic growled.

After South ruffs the third heart, he can lead a low diamond. West wins and returns, say, a trump. South takes the ace and king and leads the A-K of diamonds. When East, with the missing trump, must follow suit, South ruffs his last diamond in dummy, takes the A-K of clubs, ruffs a club and wins the 13th trick with the queen of trumps.


You hold: A62 743 872 A K 6 5. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond two clubs, he rebids two diamonds and you raise to three diamonds. Partner then bids three spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: You had a maximum hand for your chance-giving raise to three diamonds, and since partner has tried for game, you must go along. Bid five diamonds. A typical hand for him such as K75, 86, AKQ 653, Q 3 will make him a favorite for 11 tricks. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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