The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)


With the convention­s in the rearview mirror and the political campaigns on the final stretch, we test your knowledge of candidate slogans of today and the past.

- By KURT SNIBBE Southern California News Group


Every politician tries to boil down their hundreds of promises and long speeches into one succinct slogan. Here's a quiz to see how much you know about political mottos. One of the first campaigns to make good use of slogans on bumper stickers was “I like Ike” for the 1952 election of Dwight D. Eisenhower. The stickers began to appear around the country before the five-star general left the military, joined a party and announced his run for president. Eisenhower's landslide victory ended the 20-year run of Democrats in the White House. Which of the following three slogans was not used by Democrat opponent Adlai Stevenson in the race? A) All the Way with Adlai B) Peace and Prosperity C) Go Forward with Stevenson-Sparkman


One of several of Ronald Reagan's 1980 campaign slogans was “Let's make America Great Again,” which is similar to Republican President Donald Trump's slogan in 2016 and 2020. Reagan won the election in a landslide victory. What was incumbent President Jimmy Carter's slogan? A) A peanut in every pot B) Re-elect Carter-Mondale , A Tested and Trustworth­y Team C) For the Future D) He's making us proud again


In 2016, “Feel the Bern” was not an official slogan for Bernie Sanders' campaign, but his supporters chanted it at rallies and put it on stickers and buttons. It was official in his 2020 run. Which of the slogans below did Sanders use in 2016?

A) We must do right and risk the consequenc­es B) A political revolution is coming C) People over politics D) Leadership you can trust

In 2020 what other slogan besides “Feel the Bern” did Sanders use? A) Not me. Us. B) Dream Big Fight Hard C) Win the Era D) Humanity First

Which slogan was Democratic vice presidenti­al nominee Kamala Harris' slogan in 2020? A) Join the Evolution! B) One Nation. One Destiny. C) For The People D) We're all in this together. E) Our Future Is Now F) Working People First G) Brave Wins

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