The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

The center out strategy

- Steven Roberts teaches politics and journalism at George Washington University. He can be contacted by email at

When the Senate passed a $1.2 trillion infrastruc­ture bill with 19 Republican votes, Sen. Rob Portman, the Ohio Republican who helped forge the compromise, proclaimed, “This process of starting from the center out has worked.”

Such deals and declaratio­ns were once a routine part of Senate life. Today they are rare, even revolution­ary, and this measure earned the enmity of hardliners on both sides. Donald Trump denounced Republican­s who supported the bill as “weak, foolish and dumb” and threatened them with primary challenges. Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez fulminated that the measure “utterly fails to meet the scale of the climate crisis” and threatened to oppose it in the House.

But in a closely divided Capitol that’s been choking for years on the toxic fumes of hyper-partisansh­ip, working from “the center out” makes a lot of sense. For one brief moment, compromise has been restored to its rightful place in the political lexicon — as a descriptio­n of a virtuous outcome, not a betrayal.

As Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska put it, “It’s better to get some of what our constituen­ts want rather than none of it.” Of course, infrastruc­ture generates far more bipartisan support than emotional flashpoint­s like, say, abortion or immigratio­n. Republican­s and Democrats alike drive over bad roads and want better broadband connection­s.

And as Democratic whip Dick Durbin of Illinois put it, “You’re giving stuff away. … Members get to cut ribbons and wear hard hats. You know, it’s the easiest bill in the world, in that respect.” Still, there’s a faint flickering hope that the infrastruc­ture effort could serve as a template for future compromise­s. Relationsh­ips have developed.

Trust has increased. Mutual respect, of all things, seems to be emerging. Now robust partisansh­ip is a positive dimension of American politics, and voters deserve a clear choice between the parties. But there was a time — not that long ago — when pragmatic legislator­s in both parties worked together on key legislatio­n.

I treasure a photo from 2001 where President Bush 43 was taking a victory lap after the passage of an educationa­l reform measure. Sitting next to him was a beaming senator who had co-sponsored the bill: Ted Kennedy of Massachuse­tts. Republican Dick Lugar of Indiana and Democrat Sam Nunn of Georgia cooperated on a critical bill in 1991 that reduced the threat of nuclear weapons abandoned by the former Soviet Union.

The last immigratio­n reform measure, signed by President Reagan in 1986, was co-sponsored by Republican Alan Simpson of Wyoming and Democrat Ron Mazzoli of Kentucky. In those days, many legislator­s brought their families to Washington.

They worshipped in the same churches, lived in the same neighborho­ods, sent their kids to the same schools. Friendship­s nurtured at PTA meetings and soccer fields and piano recitals helped lubricate the legislativ­e process.

My father-in-law, Hale Boggs, the House Democratic whip during the 1960s, formed a close relationsh­ip with Gerald Ford, then the Republican leader who later became president. Ford’s wife

Betty asked my wife, Cokie, to deliver a eulogy at her funeral describing the friendship­s that existed across party lines — a gesture that seems completely impossible today. Ellen McCarthy, the daughter of the late Sen. Gene McCarthy, a Minnesota Democrat, worked for years in Congress briefing new members.

She always urged them to bring their families to the capital, but as time went by, fewer and fewer lawmakers listened to her advice, and as she told me, this trend does “terrible things in terms of the fabric of the Congress.” Lawmakers, she said, “don’t spend any time with each other, they don’t get to know each other as people, and I think it’s a loss to the country.” That’s true. As Sen. Joe Manchin, the West Virginia Democrat, told Time magazine, “Nobody knows anybody up here.

It’s amazing. There just aren’t enough real relationsh­ips. … I know dysfunctio­nal families that function better than the Senate does. It’s just crazy.” Manchin has tried to bridge that divide by inviting lawmakers to social events on his houseboat, docked not far from the Capitol.

“The core group that worked on this infrastruc­ture bill has been socializin­g on the boat together for a long time,” Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware told The Washington Post. “The bill probably would have fallen apart, after there were some strong crosscurre­nts, if not for the trust and relationsh­ips that were built, including during time on the boat.”

This time, Portman’s “from the center out” strategy worked. The Houseboat Compact prevailed.

Can that deal be duplicated on other issues? Doubtful — but it’s very much worth trying.

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