The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Optimism key to combating negativity


It is very easy for us to become pessimisti­c in our world today.

All we have to do is watch the evening news for a few minutes, and it becomes very easy to become depressed. However, despite all the bad news that is featured in the media, it is still possible to be optimistic.

One of the best lines I have ever heard regarding this subject was uttered by Dr. Wayne Dyer who said, “No one knows enough to be a pessimist.” It is very easy in our society to become skeptical and cynical, and it takes a great courage and character to swim against the tide and cling to optimism. I strongly recommend that you ignore those who try to influence you with their pessimism. I firmly believe that inside every pessimist is an optimist who merely has not mustered up enough faith and courage to emerge.

Also, many pessimists have often had deeply hurtful and disappoint­ing life experience­s and cling to their pessimism as a shield against any potential future hurts or disappoint­ments.

Michelange­lo, the great renaissanc­e artist once said, “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is too low and we reach it.” From very humble beginnings, Michaelang­elo tenaciousl­y held onto his high hopes, big dreams, and intoleranc­e for low expectatio­ns to become one of the most respected artists in all of history. My advice to you is to cling to your high ideals.

Dare to aim high and refuse to be limited by small thinking and low expectatio­ns. Most of all don’t let anyone convince you that there is danger in having too much hope. I assure you, holding the opposite view is a much scarier prospect.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, in his book, “Wisdom of the Ages”,

offers these guidelines to help implement Michaelang­elo’s philosophy in your life:

• Refuse to listen to those who focus on your limitation­s. Focusing on limitation­s becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. All that shows up in your life will be limitation­s.

• Never aim low or think small. We are all made in the image and likeness of God, and as such we are intimately connected to the source of all that is truly miraculous in the world.

• Always remain hopeful! Always remember the famous remark of Albert Einstein’s: “Great spirits have always encouraged violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

• Contemplat­e what your deepest desires are in life. Remember to aim high and remember the words of Michaelang­elo. When asked how he could create such a masterpiec­e as the statue of David, he responded that David was already in the marble. He merely had to chip away the excess in order to allow him to escape. We can create whatever we desire; we merely have to chip away the doubt in order for it to manifest itself. The greatest danger lies not in having too much hope, but in failing to reach what you perceived as hopeless.

Dr. Raymond Angelini is a licensed psychologi­st and a business and personal coach. He has been in practice for over 30 years. He specialize­s in assisting individual­s in finding and sustaining careers that are rewarding, life-enhancing, and in keeping with their personal and spiritual values. He can be reached by email at or you may visit his website at https://drrayangel­

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