The Sentinel-Record - HER - Hot Springs

Dermal Fillers – Immediate, Long Lasting Age Eraser


Dermal fillers are natural substances that can be used to fill in deep lines on the face or to replace volume that has been lost over the years. It is not uncommon to feel that you’ve lost volume in your cheeks, or that your smile lines are getting deeper. Fillers address both problems by adding back volume to smooth out skin and create a more youthful appearance. Are Fillers the Same as Botox?

No, neurotoxin­s, such as Botox or Dysport, and dermal fillers, such as Restylane and Radiesse are often used together, to smooth out the dynamic muscles of the face and improve areas of volume loss. While neurotoxin relaxes the overactive muscles of the face, fillers add volume. Fillers do not affect the muscles of the face; rather, they actually fill in areas of volume loss. While the effects of neurotoxin­s only last about 4 months, dermal fillers, when enough volume is created, have effects lasting 1-2 years. How are Fillers Used?

Dermal fillers are injected into the targeted area, to make skin smoother and fuller looking. When these injections are performed by an expert, they can contour, correct, and even change the shape and look of your face. They cause a collagen response that builds support in the injected area.

As we age, we lose fat in our faces, causing volume loss. Cheeks that seem to sag can be injected giving a lift to face. In the tear troughs this can cause hollowness and the look of dark circles under the eyes. Dermal fillers coupled with an effective eye cream can correct the issue.

Around the mouth, the edges of the lips curl inward creating the appearance of shrinking and vertical lines form around the lips. Using tiny injections directly into the lip replace volume and smooth the lines for a more youthful appearance.

The best way to determine how to best utilize dermal filler and neurotoxin is to work with an injection specialist to develop a plan. Once a plan is created the treatment can be done all at once or over time to achieve the best results.

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