The Sentinel-Record

Still drinking Dem Kool- Aid


Dear editor:

The recent letter by Thomas Ray Watkins was an attack on comments made by Pamela Miracle- Freitag. Most, if all not all, of his “facts” are wrong, but let me just refute a couple. His and the “Dummy- crat” Party’s insistence that the U. S. only has 2 percent of the world’s oil is flat wrong. Even more interestin­g, the Sunday Arkansas Democrat- Gazette ( Page 4A) had a recap from a U. S Geological study, which indicated the world, except for U. S., has 565 billion barrels of proven reserves. ( See http:// www. usgs. gov/ blogs/ features/ usgs_ top_ story/ worldsoil- and- gas- endowment/? from= title )

The U. S. reserves are estimated at 27 billion onshore and another 81 billion offshore, meaning total world reserves are 673 billion, with the U. S. portion at 108 billion or 16 percent. Further, worldwide gas reserves are estimated at 6,392 trillion cubic feet of natural gas with U. S portion at 12.3 percent or 786 billion cubic feet. The Middle East and North Africa have estimated 111 billion barrels of oil, hardly more than U. S. reserves and certainly not 15 times U. S reserves.

The study goes on to state the estimate does not include shale or oil sand recovery where major U. S. increases are presently being seen. It would seem reasonable that with the removal of irrational objections by eco- terrorists, members of the Church of Global Warming and numerous fools in Congress, we could get gasoline prices to $ 2 a gallon.

Those who believe the political posturing by King Barry’s BS machine might be stunned to hear that Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar was at the April 18 press conference when the above was announced. ( You will not read that in The New York Times, where only fiction is presented.)

Mr. Watkins’ assertion that no job creation bills have been sent to the Senate is also nonsense! There are 27 bills awaiting action by Senator Harry “Don’t do anything” Reid. Some of these are HR3630, ( Middle Class Tax Relief), HR 3012 ( Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants), HR 2940 ( Access to Capital) and HR 1070 ( Small Company Capital Formation). All have had bipartisan support.

I might suggest to Mr. Watkins that he read the U. S. Geological study, write an apology to Ms. Miracle- Freitag for his failure to check facts and start drinking water rather than Democrat Kool- Aid. Dennis L. Bosch

Hot Springs

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