The Sentinel-Record

GOP follows Romney’s lead in parrying Dems


WASHINGTON — Now that Mitt Romney has emerged as the likely GOP presidenti­al nominee, congressio­nal Republican­s increasing­ly are taking their cues from him even if it causes heartburn and grumbling among conservati­ves unhappy about having to beat a tactical retreat.

That dynamic was on full display last week as House Speaker John Boehner coped with the dust- up generated by President Barack Obama over student loans and Senate GOP leader Mitch Mcconnell sidesteppe­d Democratic attempts to brand Republican­s as soft on the issue of violence against women.

It’s a defensive game for Republican­s, determined to avoid their stumbles last year when they lost the political battle over renewing Obama’s payroll tax cut.

“Some folks in an election year would say you need to take tough issues off the table,” said Rep. Rob Woodall, R- Ga. “Other folks in an election year say you need to bring your best solutions to the toughest issues, and I’m in that latter camp.”

The matter of student loan interest rates was on the back burner until barely a week ago when the White House elevated it to the top of its agenda. Obama pounded away during visits to university campuses in North Carolina, Iowa and Colorado, pivotal states in the November election.

Interest rates are scheduled to double, from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent, on July 1 due to a quirk in a law Democrats muscled through Congress five years ago.

Romney on Monday endorsed the $ 6 billion move to forestall the interest rate increase, even before Obama had arrived at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Boehner quickly set a vote, using unspent money from Obama’s unpopular health care law to pay for the plan. By Friday, the issue was mostly deflated.

The vote, however, put Republican­s at odds with the Club For Growth, which urged lawmakers to oppose the legislatio­n. The group sometimes uses its fundraisin­g power to back primary challenger­s to GOP incumbents.

Boehner, R- Ohio, accused Obama of manufactur­ing the issue.

“The president keeps attempt- ing to invent these fake fights because he doesn’t have a record of success or a positive agenda for our country,” the speaker said. “It is as simple as this: The emperor has no clothes.”

In fact, Republican­s had invited a fight by failing to address the issue before Obama raised it. Their budget blueprint last month assumed the interest rate subsidy would expire. While the GOP chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee worked on a longer- term plan, Boehner stepped in to take the issue off the campaign table.

“I think they’re doing a good job of seeing when pitches are coming at their head,” said GOP strategist John Feehery of Quinn Gillespie & Associates.

But, Feehery added, “You can’t just be on defense all the time. You’ve got to be on offense, too. The Republican­s are better off when they’re trying to pin Obama down on things as opposed to when they’re trying to avoid haymakers from Obama.”

Opportunit­ies to go on offense are limited because Republican­s control only the House.

Holding both the White House and a Senate majority, Democrats have more opportunit­y to set the political agenda. That was the case with the Violence Against Women Act, the government’s main domestic violence program.

 ??  ?? TACTICAL RETREAT: President Barack Obama speaks Wednesday at the University of Iowa, in Iowa City, Iowa. Now that Mitt Romney has emerged as the likely GOP presidenti­al nominee, congressio­nal Republican­s increasing­ly are taking their cues from him even...
TACTICAL RETREAT: President Barack Obama speaks Wednesday at the University of Iowa, in Iowa City, Iowa. Now that Mitt Romney has emerged as the likely GOP presidenti­al nominee, congressio­nal Republican­s increasing­ly are taking their cues from him even...

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