The Sentinel-Record

REINS bill puts a check on the regulatory state

- George Will’s email address is georgewill@ washpost. com.

All legislativ­e powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress ... – The Constituti­on Article I, Section 1

WASHINGTON – Having cleared its throat with the Preamble, the Constituti­on buckles down to business with those words, which Republican Rep. Geoff Davis of Kentucky takes seriously. He is retiring from Congress, leaving behind excellent legislatio­n that could claw back from the executive branch responsibi­lities the Founders intended for the government’s first branch.

His Regulation­s From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act ( REINS) would redress constituti­onal imbalance and buttress the rule of law by compelling Congress to take responsibi­lity for the substance that executive rulemaking pours into the sometimes almost empty vessels that Congress calls “laws.”

The 165,000 pages of the Code of Federal Regulation­s contain tens of thousands of rules promulgate­d by largely unaccounta­ble agencies that churn out more than a thousand new mandates a year. According to the Small Business Administra­tion, regulation­s cost the economy about $ 1.75 trillion,

E d i t o r i a l almost twice the sum of income tax receipts. Davis says small businesses are spending $ 10,500 per employee on regulatory compliance. REINS would require Congress to vote on a resolution of approval concerning every “major” ($ 100 million economic impact) regulation. There are 212 such among the 4,128 regulation­s currently in the pipeline from unelected executive agencies. If the vote REINS requires did not occur within 70 days, the regulation would die.

John Marini of the University of Nevada- Reno writes in the Claremont Review of Books that the 2,500- page Obamacare legislatio­n exemplifie­s current lawmaking, which serves principall­y to expand the administra­tive state’s unfettered discretion. Congress merely establishe­d the legal requiremen­ts necessary to create a vast executive branch administra­tive apparatus to formulate rules governing health care’s 18 percent of the economy.

The Hudson Institute’s Chris DeMuth, in an essay for National Affairs quarterly, notes that Congress often contents itself with enacting “velleities” such as the wish in the 900- page Dodd- Frank financial reform act that “all consumers have access to markets for consumer financial products and services ... ( that are) fair, transparen­t, and competitiv­e.” How many legislator­s voting for the bill even read this language? And how many who did understood that they were authorizin­g federal rulemakers to micromanag­e overdraft fees? In Dodd- Frank, Obamacare and much else, the essential lawmaking is done off Capitol Hill by unaccounta­ble bureaucrat­ic rulemaking.

Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly and regulators, too, have a metabolic urge to do what they were created to do. Hence, DeMuth says, they often pursue their missions beyond the point of diminishin­g marginal returns with health, safety, environmen­tal and other standards “with costs exceeding any plausible measure of their benefits.”

Regulatory power is executive power, which can be checked and balanced only by the other two branches. But, DeMuth notes, although courts can, under the Administra­tive Procedure Act, block regulation­s that are “arbitrary, capricious, î or ìan abuse of discretion,” courts are usually deferentia­l to regulators, partly because courts are usually without requisite scientific or other expertise.

What, then, about Congress, which, as DeMuth says, “has been deeply complicit in fostering regulatory power”? One proposal is to defer all new “major” regulation­s until unemployme­nt falls to 7.7 percent, just below what it was when Barack Obama was inaugurate­d. But this would leave the regulatory state in place and poised for action on a backlog of major rules.

Another proposal is for a “regulatory budget” limiting the costs each regulatory agency could impose. But cost estimates would come from the executive branch, and therefore not be constraini­ng. This defect also infects the proposal ( from Virginia’s Democratic Sen. Mark Warner) for “regulatory pay- go,” under which agencies could issue new regulation­s only by rescinding existing rules that impose the same cost, or some fraction of the cost, of new ones. Indeed, any “enforceabl­e” cost- benefit standard will merely empower executive agencies to enforce their preference­s.

Hence the importance of Congress and the indispensa­bility of Davis’ REINS Act. It passed the House last December. But the Democratic- controlled Senate, which will not even take responsibi­lity for producing ( as the law requires) a budget, has no desire to restrain the administra­tive state or to ratify what it does by approving, with statutes, major regulation­s.

Barack Obama says he would veto REINS. Mitt Romney says that with or without REINS, he would submit such regulation­s for congressio­nal approval. Here, then, is the distilled essence of the 2012 choice:

Obama promises the progressiv­e agenda – more executive aggrandize­ment, more marginaliz­ation of Congress, more latitude for unaccounta­ble experts to supervise our lives, more regulatory suffocatio­n of society. Romney promises the reverse.

 ??  ?? George Will Copyright 2012, Washington Post Writers Group
George Will Copyright 2012, Washington Post Writers Group

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