The Sentinel-Record

Trethewey named 19th US poet laureate


WASHINGTON – Natasha Trethewey began writing poems after a personal tragedy.

While Trethewey was a college freshman, her mother was killed by a stepfather Tretheway had long feared.

“I started writing poems as a response to that great loss, much the way that people responded, for example, after 9/ 11,” she told The Associated Press. “People who never had written poems or turned much to poetry turned to it at that moment because it seems like the only thing that can speak the unspeakabl­e.”

Trethewey, 46, an English and creative writing professor at Emory University in Atlanta, has been named the 19th U. S. poet laureate Thursday.

The Pulitzer Prize winner is the nation’s first poet laureate to hail from the South since the initial one – Robert Penn Warren – was named by the Library of Congress in 1986. She is also Mississipp­i’s top poet and will be the first person to serve simultaneo­usly as a state and U. S. laureate.

Trethewey won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for her book of poems, “Native Guard.” They focused partly on history that was erased because it was never recorded. She wrote of the Louisiana Native Guard, a black Civil War regiment assigned to guard white Confederat­e soldiers held on Ship Island off Mississipp­i’s Gulf Coast.

The Confederat­e prisoners were later memorializ­ed on the island, but not the black Union soldiers. A stanza reads: “Some names shall deck the page of history “as it is written on stone. Some will not.” Librarian of Congress James Billington, who chose Trethewey after hearing her read at the National Book Festival in Washington, said her work explores forgotten history and the many human tragedies of the Civil War.

“She’s taking us into history that was never written,” he told the AP. “She takes the greatest human tragedy in American history – the Civil War, 650,000 people killed, the most destructiv­e war of human life for a century – and she takes us inside without preaching.”

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