The Sentinel-Record

Court rejects US citizen’s detention suit


WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Friday rejected a lawsuit by an American civilian translator who says he was thrown in prison in Iraq for nine months without explanatio­n by U. S. officials.

The translator, whose real name does not appear in the lawsuit, is trying to hold former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld personally liable for the translator’s alleged mistreatme­nt while he was detained at the U. S. military’s Camp Cropper.

In 1971, the Supreme Court created a damage remedy for constituti­onal violations committed by federal agents.

In a 3- 0 ruling, the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia said the Supreme Court has never al- lowed such a remedy in a case involving the military, national security or intelligen­ce.

The appeals court recognized that the translator is a contractor and not an actual member of the military, but said special factors nonetheles­s apply.

The lawsuit would require testimony from top military officials as well as forces on the ground, which would expend resources and take up the time of U. S. military personnel in Iraq, Judge David Sentelle wrote in the court’s opinion.

“Allowing such an action would hinder our troops from acting decisively in our nation’s interest for fear of judicial review of every detention and interrogat­ion,” said Sentelle.

The appeals court reversed a federal judge, who ruled that the translator’s allegation­s are enough to enable the case to proceed against Rumsfeld.

In his lawsuit filed in 2008, the man says he was preparing to depart Iraq on annual leave when U. S. officials took him into custody.

The translator said he was exposed to intolerabl­e cold and continuous artificial light, extended solitary confinemen­t without any reading material, blasting by loud heavy metal and country music and blindfoldi­ng and hooding.

The translator says that he was the first American to open direct talks with Abdul- Sattar Abu Risha, an important U. S. ally who was instrument­al in leading the revolt of Sunni Sheikhs against al- Qaeda in Anbar province. The translator was detained while the relationsh­ip between Abu Risha and the U. S. was still confidenti­al.

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