The Sentinel-Record

Want to be a super hero?

- Craig Joyner has worked and served in the Hot Springs area for 20 years. He has a deep passion for studying the Word of God and sharing with others. His main objective is for believers to continue drawing close to Lord Jesus Christ, seeking the truth of t

This article is written with the young people in mind. Everyone loves super heroes. We imagine having super powers and the multiple courageous acts we could accomplish if it were only possible. Well, what would you say if I were to tell you that you could possess these magical powers of super strength and abilities. Just think, you could fly and possess telepathic powers. Most people would reply, “Show me.”

There is a way and it’s not that difficult. There is an all powerful extraterre­strial being, or alien, you may say. He has the power to offer you and me if we would be willing to obey Him for a short amount of time while we are in this flesh. Do you know that it is written in the scriptures, “Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard; neither has it entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for those who love him,” I Cor. 2: 9. Yes, Christians know Him as God; the great “I Am,” Jehovah, the consuming fire, Deut. 4: 24. This super hero can come as a flame of fire, even speak out of a whirlwind as in Job 38: 1. How about that for super powers? This great extraterre­strial being divided the sea so mankind could walk across on dry ground. He is able to heal the sick, blind, lame and even raise the dead to life. This great and awesome being can walk on water, take on the form of a man and walk among them, calm a raging storm with just a simple command, “Peace be still,” Mark 4: 39. For with this great God, all things are possible, Mark 10: 27.

This great omnipotent- extraterre­strial Being is looking for humans to adopt and eventually become super heroes. But to be adopted into this family, one must be willing to turn their life over to Him and follow His instructio­ns. If you do this, He gives you a part of Himself, a down payment of sorts, called the Holy Spirit. This Spirit convicts your spirit to do what is right. You will see your futile life as it really is and you become repentant of your ways. By accepting this great Being as your Master and Lord, you are then called a child of His. What is His name, Jesus. Yes, Jesus, the representa­tive of peace and harmony. How great is this being to want humans to become as He is, and adopt us as sons and daughters, where we call Him Abba, or Father, see Gal. 4: 5- 6. How neat is this? You can be part of this awesome God family and heir to His kingdom, waiting for your super powers. This is not fiction, it’s a promise you can be sure of. Read the proof of this promise in Romans 8: 14- 19.

Living according to the human flesh only brings death. But the Lord’s promise to you is life. Living by His powerful Spirit, you cast off the flesh and death and you live by His power, or superpower. Yes, the flesh will need to die. But your spirit will live on into eternity if you are a chosen child of God. I Cor. 15: 52- 53 tells us you will be changed, given an incorrupti­ble body, immortalit­y. How cool it that? Eternal death of the spirit will never be a problem for you. You won’t feel pain, heat or cold. Just think, you will be able to fly, pass through time and arrive at a new destinatio­n. Also, you will rule over the angels, see I Cor. 6: 3. How about ruling over cities as written in Rev. 20: 6, “Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrecti­on: On such the second death, ( spiritual death) has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a 1,000 years.” This is just the start, read Rev. 22.

So hang in there. You will have trials and hard times in this human life. But Jesus will help you through these times. Keep your minds on the goal. John 16: 33 says that through all things we can have peace through Jesus. He stated in this world we will have troubles, “but be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome the world.” And we can overcome as well with His Spirit living in us. These promises are waiting for you if you do not get discourage­d and start to doubt. Don’t put your confidence in the flesh, for it is not lasting. Phil 3: 20- 21 is a great example of what I have written. Being an heir of the promises, our citizenshi­p is in heaven. He will change our bodies as He is, a glorious super power body. Is this new body for our own glory? No ... this new body is made to bring Him glory.

How do you like that guarantee? In closing, turn to I John 3: 2, “Now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” That’s good enough for me.

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