The Sentinel-Record



A baby born today has a Sun and Moon in Cancer. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Monday, July 8, 2013: This year your determinat­ion couples with luck, which takes you to a high point that you will remember for years to come. You also will be unusually creative and dynamic. If you are single, you attract quite a few potential suitors. One of them could be significan­t to your life history. If you are attached, avoid being too me- oriented. Remember that a partnershi­p is a duo. If you stay aware of your sweetie, this year could be significan­t for both of you. CANCER can close down. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5- Dynamic; 4Positive; 3- Average; 2- So- so; 1Difficult ARIES ( March 21- April 19)

You’ll be unusually feisty or touchy. Someone comes out of the doldrums and expresses his or her interest in a key project. Greet the change positively, and let this person take the lead -- you might be amazed at how helpful this adjustment could be. Tonight: Homeward bound. TAURUS ( April 20- May 20)

Keep reaching out to someone. Answers might be hard to get if you don’t have a chat with this person. You could be wondering about a forthcomin­g choice, as you do not have a sense of what you are facing. A loved one becomes far more easygoing. Tonight: Out and about. GEMINI ( May 21- June 20)

Your finances could be changing considerab­ly, and for the better, especially if you nix any wild risk- taking. You have been rather down in the dumps lately, and you will be wondering why. Your mood could change before you find the answer. Go with the flow. Tonight: Pay bills. CANCER ( June 21- July 22)

Your creativity emerges, and in some way, it will cause you to approach an issue in a more positive way. A new friend who has been giving you the cold shoulder for the past few weeks finally might lighten up. What has been difficult becomes easy. Tonight: Be spontaneou­s! LEO ( July 23- Aug. 22)

Know when saying little is the best course of action. Sometimes you push very hard to get your way. Lighten up, and do what you want. At other times, you hold yourself back. Stop interferin­g with your success. Enjoy the laughter around you. Tonight: Get a good night’s sleep. VIRGO ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22)

Zero in on what you want. A situation or relationsh­ip might be shaky. You know when you need to head in a new direction. You could be surprised by the other party’s agreement. Finally, you’ll be able to see eye to eye with this person! Tonight: Where your friends are. LIBRA ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22)

Dealing with a boss will give you new insights, regardless of whether or not that was your goal or intention. You have felt stressed out when interactin­g with this person in the past, mainly because you couldn’t ask for what you wanted. Be open to change. Tonight: Do what you want. SCORPIO ( Oct. 23- Nov. 21)

Detach in order to see the big picture. Be willing to let go of a need to have certain matters go a particular way. Once you lose this attachment for situations to conform to your goals, you will be able to see where others are coming from. Tonight: Hop on the Internet. SAGITTARIU­S ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21)

You will feel less of a need to hold back, once a partner decides to reveal more of what is going on with him or her. This person might realize that there is no reason to sit on his or her feelings. Both of you will gain a new insight as a result. Tonight: Discussion over dinner. CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19)

What seemed impossible now seems very possible. Doors will open up because of a partner’s willingnes­s to walk through them. You might not know what direction to head. Open up to a positive change, and you’ll see the path to a particular goal. Tonight: Where the action is. AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18)

You finally make a decision, but the question remains: Will it hold? Whether you opt for a more organized approach to work or a new exercise program, it is likely that it will require some self- discipline. You have the energy to get through a big project. Tonight: Put your feet up. PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20)

A key relationsh­ip, perhaps one with a child or new friend, will lighten up. You might be wondering what sparked this change. Attempt to move through a problem, but only when the other party seems more willing. Know when to say “no.” Tonight: Be more childlike.

BORN TODAY Actor Kevin Bacon ( 1958), former vice president Nelson Rockefelle­r ( 1908), celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck ( 1949)

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