The Sentinel-Record

Letters to the editor


with the full force of the IRS are promoted and then retired so as to receive an increase in their retirement package for a job well done. Does the media care? No. Do those elected officials who proclaim to represent those of us who were unlawfully victimized by their government care? No.

Our Constituti­on has been shredded, and that affects everyone on both sides of the political aisles. It is no longer a battle of ideas between two visions for what is best for all Americans. Our country has “fundamenta­lly transforme­d” to a battle of those with power ( government) against those without power ( the people). This government may promote your political belief but it has stolen your freedom along with mine. If you ever find yourself in opposition to a government policy or idea, you will find yourself in the same position as I am in. You will find your government actively hostile to you and like- minded individual­s. You will find your government ostracizin­g you.

Justice is no longer blind in an effort to find the truth. The court system is as corrupt as our political system. Our courts are no longer making decisions based upon the Constituti­on, but rather to satisfy the mob mentality resulting from the propaganda and policies subjugated upon the uninformed masses. Our politician­s are no longer servants of the people, but rather manipulato­rs of our money and resources so as to claim a marginal majority at the voting booths. Republican­s and Democrats alike are ruling the people instead of being governed by the people. There is no more right or wrong in this country, and no more political or judicial recourse to reclaim it.

Look how far we have faltered

• Killing babies in the womb is a heralded right, but those who want to protect life are slandered.

• Taxpaying citizens are enemies of the state, but illegal aliens committing identity fraud are elevated and rewarded.

• Science is no longer a pursuit of truth,

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but now a servant of the funding of the government in its effort to indoctrina­te the public.

• Education is not an effort to improve our kid’s future, but rather an effort to placate the masses while funding those at the top in the government.

• The love of God for all people has been malignantl­y portrayed as hate and bigotry.

• Policies that encourage and produce self- sufficienc­y are being replaced with those that generate dependency.

• Hate and division are being offered to replace love and unity.

We are now seeing our government in open hostility towards Christians. Since Christians cannot accept the legitimizi­ng of sin, we find ourselves as the focus of a government- led endeavor to humiliate and intimidate us into submission. Christiani­ty has been relabeled and delivered to the uninformed to mean a hateful bigot. My nation now hates everything that I stand for. It hates that I love my neighbor and want the best for him or her. It hates that I want to work hard to provide for my family without the interventi­on of government. It is afraid of my efforts to teach my children the truth instead of consuming the lies. It hates me and my God.

America does not like me and my beliefs, why should I fight for her? This country doesn’t even care if its ambassador­s are killed, so it could care less about my children or future grandchild­ren. I will no longer rally my family around the flag since the meaning has been “fundamenta­lly changed” to hate everything that I stand for. Instead, I will rally my family around God alone, which this nation used to revere.

I encourage everyone who feels the same way to corral your efforts around your own families and churches. Quit sending money to the politician­s and their parties, and concentrat­e your finances and energies at home. Back your lifestyle down in order to free yourself from the dependency upon the government. Awake to the reality that America is turning hostile towards the believing Christian. America has departed from what has made her great. Robert S. Kimble

Hot Springs

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