The Sentinel-Record

Belvedere — ‘ throw- away’ dog


Dear editor:

What did you throw away? Back in 2005, when you dumped two dogs near Spring Street to fend for themselves, what were you thinking? That your life was too complicate­d? God’s creatures were too much of a burden? What did you teach your children in that moment about commitment? Family? Love? Compassion? Sacrifice? Well, you should know that one of the dogs you dumped died. The other one our family took in and named Belvedere. Yes, we spent some money, yes, we spent time but we watched the most magnificen­t, beautiful, gentle, sweet, silly, lovable creature come to life. A creature that you never took the time to see. What a shame. I wonder how your life is going. How are your children? How happy are you? How truly fulfilled? How at peace?

I can tell you about my family. We are great. We had to move to another state, but in the past eight years, we have seen so many blessings, we welcomed two beautiful children into this world, and all the while, Belvedere has been right at our side, sleeping with us, walking with us and taking our place on the couch before we can sit down. He makes us laugh every day and we feel closer to God when we look into his eyes. What is that worth?

In the past few months, we found out he has cancer. Not to worry, we are still here for him. We decided to seek treatment for him that will give us perhaps another year with him, if we are lucky. So we drive him several times a month several hours away so we can have some more time with this amazing creature. And still there he is, silly, happy, loyal and loving. We hug him even harder these days and we thank God for one more day with this dog, you know, the one you threw away.

Don’t get me wrong, we are no heroes. Heroes don’t get treasure. And wow, what treasures we have received — laughter, smiles, warmth, true love, kindness, friendship, comfort and loyalty are just a few.

One thing I know for





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