The Sentinel-Record

Insulting leaders

- James Wilson Hot Springs

Dear editor:

I speak to those who claim to be Christians; I speak to those who certainly do not claim this to apprise them of a true Christian’s responsibi­lity and how to tell a true Christian.

The Bible both commands respect for leaders and gives examples of that respect. This has nothing to do with the character, ethics or morality of leaders. If there is a God, that God will judge leaders if the Bible is Truth.

A text that clearly states this is the following:

Romans 13: 1- 6: “Every being shall be subject to authoritie­s above. For there is no authority except from God! And those who are authoritie­s have been appointed by God so that he who sets himself against the authority resists the ordinance of God! And they who resist shall receive judgment to themselves. For, the rulers are not a terror to good works, but- rather to evil. Dost thou desire to not be afraid of the authority? Practice the good, and thou shalt have praise from him! For he is a slave of God for good to thee! And if thou art practicing evil, fear! For he wears the sword — not in vain! For he is a slave of God, an avenger for wrath to him who does evil! Therefore ( it is) necessary to be subject — not only on account of wrath, but also on account of conscience! For ye pay tax also on this account! For they are ministers of God attending continuall­y on this same thing!”

The example given is in Daniel where four Jewish men are very high in government, being leaders themselves. They are commanded to violate the teaching of Moses. They refuse to violate, and they continue to show only respect and desire for benefit toward the kings. One must always serve the higher power, and they serve the God of Avraham. Even when Daniel is assigned to govern all occult practition­ers in the land, he does so, and does it well.

If a leader practices evil and corruption, one practicing biblical ethics has no excuse to show disrespect toward that leader, even if the person must disobey the leader to do what is right. Any disrespect for a leader is disrespect for the one who ( according to the Bible) put the leader there.

Every leader is put into place by God ( if the Bible is Truth) to do benefit. Biblically, a secular leader is a pastor. Most leaders won’t consistent­ly do right; some will be very cruel and evil. Yet, if the Bible is Truth, such leaders will be removed and judged, as will all leaders. The responsibi­lities of those who claim to fear God ( for without the fear of God, there is no biblical faith) are to do what is right and not to judge evil leaders. Those who speak disparagin­gly of leaders show contempt for the biblical God.

Disagreein­g with leaders in a respectful manner isn’t a violation. Children learn how to be contemptuo­us from adults and peers whom they respect.

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