The Sentinel-Record



HAPPY BIRTHDAY fo r S u n d a y, Feb . 16, 2014 This year you have the spirit and energy to tackle whatever you want. A partner could be a key player in your ventures. If you are single, this partnershi­p initially could be platonic, but it has the potential of evolving into much more. After spring, a different potential suitor could enter your life. Take your time in choosing. If you are attached, put more emphasis on your relationsh­ip, and you will witness it working and evolving to a new level. You enjoy time alone as a couple. VIRGO makes a great accountant for you.

A baby born today has a Sun in Aquarius and a Moon in Virgo. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5- Dynamic; 4- Positive; 3- Average; 2- So- so; 1- Difficult


T A U R U S ( A pril 20- M

C A N rch 21- April 19)

Others will witness your fiery side. No matter how direct you are, you probably will have to repeat a conversati­on. Somehow the message might get distorted. You will note that others appear to be off in LaLa Land at points in the day. Tonight: Enjoy a homecooked dinner.

T his W eek : You’ll make an impact by pursuing your goals in an efficient manner. ay 20)

You speak, and others respond. Communicat­ion flourishes. Detach more often, and imagine what the other parties seem to be holding back. Otherwise, you might have difficulty understand­ing and accepting what these people have to say. Tonight: Keep smiling.

T his W eek : Your creativity flourishes.

G EM IN I ( M ay 21- June 20)

Take a day just for you. You might want to lounge, read the paper and/ or make a special meal for yourself. Someone with an invitation could tempt you to give up your lazy day. You still will be best off steering clear of others. Tonight: Not to be found.

T his W eek : Stay on top of a domestic matter, but do not let it stop you.


L E O ( J uly 23- A ug. 22)

You could be out of sorts as you eye a new purchase. You might decide to postpone this expenditur­e, as it could require more research. Treat a loved one to a late brunch and swap news. You could conjure up quite an afternoon together. Tonight: Get errands done first.

T his W eek : Tame your indulgent side.


( M

a L IB R A ( Sept. 23- O ct. 22)

You are always so busy that no one will think twice when you make up an excuse for not getting together with them. Use your free time to catch up on sleep. Revitalize your body and your mind. Tonight: Resist making plans.

T his W eek : Not until Tuesday will you feel up to snuff.

SC O R P IO ( J une 21- J uly 22)

Make calls in the morning and catch up on everyone’s news. Whether you want to incorporat­e your day with a friend, family member or loved one is your choice. You will be happiest going out and about with a companion. Tonight: At a favorite place.

T his W eek : Romance could be budding. ( A ug. 23- Sept. 22)

You will be full of energy. However, getting plans off the ground could take some effort. Use care with spending, as you have done more shopping than usual. A new friend might let you know that there might be more than a friendship that exists between you. Tonight: Keep it light.

T his W eek : Success ends your week. ( O ct. 23- N ov. 21)

News filters in from a distance. You might be ready to take off at the drop of a hat; be sure



A Q IU S ( N ov. 22- D ec. 21)

You could bring others together for a fun get- together. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you easily can be identified as someone who takes the lead. Your fiery personalit­y will come through. Tonight: Could be late.

T his W eek : You assume responsibi­lity Monday, but you’ll question your motives Thursday. U A R IU S ( J an. 20- F eb. 18)

Someone makes an overture that you feel you can’t say “no” to. Be honest with yourself. You likely will decide to get together with this person on a oneonone level. Friends need quality time like this. Tonight: Don’t call it a night until you are good and ready.

T his W eek : Working with others draws results. ( D ec. 22- J an. 19)

The thought of a trip could be fun, but hopefully it does not consume your day and force you to think of nothing else. A family member or dear friend wants you to join him or her. You can be sure you will have a great time. Tonight: And the party goes on.

T his W eek : Read between the lines -- slow down and detach. that a friend or partner wants that as well. You would be well- advised to hold back some and see where the other person is coming from. Tonight: You have reason to celebrate.

T his W eek : Use Monday and Thursday to the max.


T O DAY P ISC E S ( F eb. 19- M arch 20)

You have a way about you that a loved one adores. It is clear that this person cannot get enough time with you. Allow the inner child within you to emerge and become part of these interactio­ns. Tonight: Say “yes” to a loved one.

T his W eek : Listen to what is shared, and help someone come up with a solution.

Actor LeVar Burton ( 1957), historian Henry Adams ( 1838), record producer Sonny Bono ( 1935)


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