The Sentinel-Record

Letters to the editor


Disagrees on abortion

Dear editor:

This is a reply to George Lindholm’s Oct. 27 letter, “The abortion debate.”

Those numerous, small white crosses being displayed on the church grounds certainly seem to have bothered you a lot, Mr. Lindholm. Good! That’s exactly what they are intended to do. We must not forget the tragic killing of all of those unborn babies!

But you might say that these little ones should not be considered to be real babies, but are only mere fetuses! Is that a fact? Don’t be so sure about that, for modern science certainly doesn’t support the “only a fetus” viewpoint.

“In an age of scientific enlightenm­ent, we now know that the embryo, even at its earliest stages, fulfills the criteria needed to establish the existence of biological life (including metabolism, developmen­t, the ability to react to stimuli and cell reproducti­on); that a zygote is a living human being as demonstrat­ed by its distinct genetic code; and that human personhood does not depend on size, location or level of dependence. Thus, abortion should be avoided at all cost, even in cases of rape and incest.”

“… the incidence of pregnancy as a result of rape is rare … approximat­ely 1 percent to 4.7 percent … Furthermor­e, one does not eliminate or prevent the real pain of rape or incest by compoundin­g it with the murder of an innocent preborn child. Two wrongs do not make a right. The very thing that makes rape evil, also makes abortion evil. In both cases, an innocent human being is brutally dehumanize­d” (quotes from “The Complete Bible Answer Book” by Hank Hanegraaff, Pages 425, 426).

You claimed that the whole point of the debate about abortion is really about a woman’s right (What about the baby’s rights?) to do whatever she decides to do about the baby — even terminatin­g its precious life! I strongly disagree!

When a woman chooses to kill her baby, she is then trying to take away God’s proper role in this life-and-death matter! This is really about the woman’s convenienc­e and a total disregard for the worth of that unborn child.

This is also a question about the lordship of Jesus Christ in a person’s life. In other words, is the mother going to let God take over the control of her life as her lord (master) or will she insist on running her life free from what God says is right?

You stated that “there is no mention of abortion in the Bible.” That is correct … because God uses another word to describe what abortion really amounts to in His eyes — murder! Individual­s don’t have to “assume what God is thinking” since He clearly stated in the Ten Commandmen­ts, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). Abortion is the killing of unborn children! It is a sin.

You also stated that “in the Bible no judgment on abortion” is mentioned. Remember, “… each of us will give an account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12).

The good news is that if you have already had an abortion, if you come to Jesus for the forgivenes­s of sins — this sin is also forgivable.

Lloyd Hoffman

Hot Springs

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