The Sentinel-Record

Back to our roots


Dear editor:

My continuing theory that Americans seem to live in two separate alternativ­e universes was again confirmed as I read Judith Zitko’s letter. As I read, “that our media in this country is so controlled that nearly half of the American public are brainwashe­d,” I was agreeing with her, since I was sure she was talking about the liberal mainstream media and the many Americans who know little about politics and national and world events. No, she was accusing Republican­s and conservati­ves. Reality is, that outside of Fox News and Conservati­ve Talk Radio, the vast majority of informatio­n people receive from the mainstream media is progressiv­e and self-censored. It is unwilling to objectivel­y report what our present government is doing and not doing to and for the American people. It covers up the deficienci­es and the overreach of the present administra­tion, while “brainwashi­ng” the American public to their policies.

You claim to know who we are as tea party members. I’ll wager you get all your informatio­n from the media you watch and read, and yet have never attended a tea party meeting and have no personal knowledge of who we are. As chairman of the Garland County Tea Party, I can attest that some of our members are conservati­ve or Libertaria­n or a combinatio­n of both. I don’t see any conflict since our basic beliefs have to do with liberty, freedom, less intrusive government, following the Constituti­on and that we all are Taxed Enough Already.

As to the ridiculous accusation that the tea party is wholly owned by the Koch brothers, give me a break! I have never spoken to a Koch brother, gotten a call or letter from one of them, been in any way influenced by them, and definitely not financiall­y supported by them. If they are donating their money legally to support conservati­ve candidates and causes ( as do wealthy supporters of liberal causes), then they are exercising their rights as Americans. You may not like it, but that’s part of what we (and the Supreme Court) call freedom of speech.

Finally, I think you showed your true ideologica­l and political leanings when you closed your letter by saying, “it may well be too late to save this country without a full-scale military solution.” And then you wonder why some in the media vilify you and others as communist or terrorists. The tea party has never been violent or recommende­d armed political interventi­on. We desire to return America to its foundation, at the ballot box, as we exercise our fundamenta­l constituti­onal rights as citizens. Jack Sternberg, M.D.

Hot Springs

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