The Sentinel-Record

Joke of the day?


Dear editor:

I swear, there are some days when I read the letters and think I have mistakenly picked up the “Joke of the day” section. Ms. Zitko and Mr. Nunn just happen to fall into this category.

Ms. Zitko believes that the media is “So controlled that nearly half are brainwashe­d” into voting Republican? This is a joke, right? Ms. Zitko must be using sarcasm. Otherwise, I would like to know what country she lives in. Or better yet, what media outlets she watches, listens to, or reads.

One thing she did get right is that the media is biased. Just turn on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc., or read the Huffington Post, NY Times, LA Times or any other big-city papers and then tell me they are not left leaning.

The only time anything negative is written or said about the president is when something is happening that cannot be ignored. Then they find excuses, marginaliz­e and defend his actions or nonactions, as the case may be, and might give it a 10-second spot. Yes, America is being brainwashe­d, but by the left.

As for Mr. Nunn? Well, he is just Mr. Nunn. He has the most eloquent way of denigratin­g anyone who disagrees with him. He revels in his intellectu­al superiorit­y above the masses. His knowledge of fact and truth are beyond reproach. Oh, that we all could be admitted to his clique of fellows such as Ragland, Wieker and Lindholm. Then, perhaps, we could rise above our low self-esteem, cure our misinforma­tion, and stop wallowing in a belief system that will surely keep us from the truth. Thank you, Mr. Nunn, for your enlightenm­ent. Pamela Miracle

Hot Springs

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