The Sentinel-Record


- Jacqueline Bigar

A baby born today has a Sun in Libra and a Moon in Virgo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Friday, Oct. 9, 2015: This year you often have extensive dreams. You will want to have more personal time. Some of you will get into volunteer work, whereas others will opt to kick back and relax. You will move through issues with ease. If you are single, you are in the process of a change. The person you hook up with now will be very different from who you choose to date later in the year. Only commit if you are 100 percent sure of your relationsh­ip. If you are attached, the two of you live active lives that do not always intertwine. You need to make a point of setting aside more time for you as a couple. VIRGO can make an excellent healer for you. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5- Dynamic; 4- Positive; 3- Average; 2- So- so; 1- Difficult ARIES ( March 21- April 19)

You’ll wake up to a bit of chaos in the morning. Tempers could flare. Try not to sit on your anger. Much will come out in this short period that could temper your mood and response. Ask for more feedback from a trusted associate. Tonight: Know when to call it a night. TAURUS ( April 20- May 20)

Your creativity might be challenged. Don’t worry -- you will find a solution. If you detach, you will see a hassle from others’ point of view. A brainstorm­ing session will open one possibilit­y after the other. Try not to nix someone else’s ideas. Tonight: Take off ASAP. GEMINI ( May 21- June 20)

You could be a lot surer of yourself than you have been in a while. A discussion about what has been happening needs to be kept private. Your thoughts and discussion­s will reinforce your focus, as well as those who live with you. Tonight: A partner demands your attention. CANCER ( June 21- July 22)

Your sense of direction emerges in a conversati­on. This quality can manifest on a theoretica­l level as well a physical level. Your upbeat attitude has a profound response from those around you. Know that you are lucky right now. Tonight: TGIF! LEO ( July 23- Aug. 22)

You finally will clear up a money matter that has been bothering you. You have reason to be angry, but choose a different time and place to process it. You will make a big difference in what happens in the future. Tonight: Whatever you do, make it memorable. VIRGO ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22)

You’ll zoom through your day, trying to complete as much as humanly possible. You have a roughness about you that turns people off. If you see this pattern happening, think about your style of communicat­ion. Avoid sarcasm at all costs. Tonight: Whatever you touch works. LIBRA ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22)

Your enthusiasm comes forth and allows more to happen. You might notice that you have no tolerance for any kind of emotional drama right now. Be clear with others about your terms in order to relate more effectivel­y. Tonight: Be with a favorite person at a favorite place. SCORPIO ( Oct. 23- Nov. 21)

You’ll see the role that a friendship plays in your life. Your secretive tendencies often stop

people from connecting with you. Try to allow others to see the real you. You might hear some criticism, but the compassion you draw out will be more authentic. Tonight: Hang with friends. SAGITTARIU­S ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21)

Others come toward you. A boss might have plans that involve you. Understand what this person wants, and know that you likely will have to carry out any requests that he or she makes. Keep your opinions to yourself; don’t undermine your relationsh­ip. Tonight: Till the wee hours. CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19)

News comes in from a distance. You could be taken aback by everything you have to do. On one hand, you’ll be trying to grasp the meaning of what was said. On the other hand, you’ll be replaying the actual words. Focus on the message. Tonight: Tap into your imaginatio­n. AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18)

One- on- one relating could take a new twist. You suddenly might find yourself in an argument. Few people understand the real meaning of your words. Allow a loved one to discuss his or her feelings. You’ll find this discussion to be unusually powerful. Tonight: A quiet dinner. PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20)

Try not to make too much out of a personal matter, and do your best to ignore someone’s temper flare- up. Relax and do your thing, but don’t be surprised if someone invites you to join him or her in some spontaneou­s plans. Tonight: Paint the town red.

BORN TODAY Singer/ songwriter John Lennon ( 1940), British Prime Minister David Cameron ( 1966), actor Tony Shalhoub ( 1953)

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