The Sentinel-Record

Your community news source

- Bill Elderton General Manager

This past week, The Sentinel-Record newsroom, under the capable leadership of editor Mark Gregory, was a perfect example of what a community newspaper should be. The big squall line that brought straight line winds and more than 2 inches of rain downed trees, crumpled walls and flooded streets.

It also left 11,000 people in the dark, some of those for a couple of days. Hot Springs School District had to let out early and remained closed Wednesday.

Of course, the printed copies of your Wednesday and Thursday newspapers provide numerous photos and complete coverage on the storm and its aftermath. That’s the kind of thing we have been doing since 1877. No surprise in that.

In addition, we posted photos, news articles and videos to Facebook and our website as they came in. We provided immediate informatio­n, right on your mobile phone, iPad or computer!

We are not just “the newspaper” any more. We are your “community news source.”

••• “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” There are a number of phrases associated with the Statue of Liberty, that great lady standing in New York Harbor, but the most recognizab­le is this quote from Emma Lazarus’ sonnet, New Colossus, which she wrote for a fundraiser to raise money for the pedestal upon which this symbol of welcome now sits.

There are hardly any of us in this country who cannot trace at least part of their family tree to immigrants who came through that harbor. People whose first view of this county of hope and opportunit­y was that lady with the torch. My own family roots got back to Germany, Holland and England … along with some Native Americans who were already here.

Now we are faced with the dilemma of whether or not we can safely welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees into our country. Because we are afraid that, along with the women and children, the elderly, the frail, there are also able-bodied men who are trained as warriors and assassins.

It makes me both angry and sad that we are put in this position and are forced to make decisions that go against the very grain of our belief and culture.

Many states, including Arkansas, have said they will not accept the immigrants. I understand the reasoning. I am wondering however, if a screening process could be incorporat­ed that would allow the innocents in for sanctuary. I hope our leaders pray long and hard for guidance. Bill Elderton is the general manager of Hot Springs’ The Sentinel-Record. He can be reached via email at belderton@hotsr. com or by calling 501-623-7711, ext. 101.

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