The Sentinel-Record



HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Sunday, August 13, 2017:

This year you will be more fired up than you have been in years. Once you get an idea in your mind, it will be almost impossible to stop you from pursuing it. You have follow-through, though it could exhaust others along the way. Few people can keep up with you. If you are single, you have the magnetic energy to draw others to you. You do not have a lot of free time, so choose the person whom you would most enjoy being with. If you are attached, you can’t seem to emphasize the importance of this relationsh­ip enough. Dote on your sweetie more often. TAURUS is very demanding, but can be important to you profession­ally.

A baby born today has a Sun in Leo and a Moon in Aries if born before 6:40 a.m. (ET). Afterward, the Moon will be in Taurus.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

ARIES( March 21- April 19)

You could surprise others with a change of mind, though the course you have chosen to head down right now might not be easily changed. A loved one seems a bit depressed and just wants to avoid socializin­g. Do not push this person. Tonight: Fun doesn’t have to cost money.

This Week: You will be full of fun and exciting ideas from Tuesday on.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Your playful side emerges and makes everything seem more possible. You might wonder whether you have made enough of an effort toward a partner or a close loved one who often seems overly serious. This person lights up when you are around. Tonight: As you like it.

This Week: You dominate the scene through Tuesday.

GEMINI (May21-June20)

You might feel as if you have pushed too hard to get certain results. Be careful, as you could experience a backfire! Pull back for the moment, and you will feel much better. Indulge yourself for the day. Opt to do whatever else puts a smile on your face. Tonight: Join a friend for dinner.

This Week: Do not pressure yourself to make decisions.

CANCER( June 21- July 22)

Emphasize what is important to you, and don’t allow yourself to be distracted. You could worry about accomplish­ing everything that you want to get done. You will find a way to complete your tasks and still have time for friends. Tonight: A spontaneou­s party breaks out.

This Week: From Tuesday on, you become somewhat reclusive.

LEO( July 23- Aug .22)

You could be pushed beyond your normal limits. Some of you will have to check in on an older friend or relative who might not be as jubilant or upbeat as he or she would like to be. Accept this role for now, and know that it could rapidly change. Tonight: A must appearance.

This Week: You are a star at work and will be sought out socially.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22)

Detach and look at the big picture before you make a determinat­ion as to which way you want to go. Keep smiling and stay present in the moment. You will have an opportunit­y to take off and be part of an adventure. Tonight: Not ready to think about the workweek.

This Week: If you can take Monday off, do.

LIBRA( Sept .23- Oct .22)

You have an unusual way of expressing yourself to a key person in your life. You like the specialnes­s of your communicat­ions. Others might not pick up on the unique bond that exists between you. Even still, you are unlikely to encounter interferen­ce. Tonight: Happy at home.

This Week: Reach out for a partner or loved one Monday.

SCORPIO( Oct .23- Nov .21) Your ability to turn a situation around emerges. You might feel roped in by certain constraint­s, but you’ll be able to break through them despite some minor hassles. Allow yourself to express the party animal that lies within you. Tonight: The party could go on and on.

This Week: Let others seek you out. Your popularity soars.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov.22-Dec.21) You could be ready for a fast change of pace. However, you might wonder what is holding you back from just leaping right into a personal situation. Make calls and catch up on news with those at a distance. You could be planning a trip before you know it! Tonight: Say “yes.”

This Week: Dive into work.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19)

Investigat­e an opportunit­y to change plans or head in a different direction. Someone could be very disappoint­ed and not ready to deal with this change. As a result, it might be easier to keep your plans as they are. The call is yours to make. Tonight: Be as naughty as you can be.

This Week: Allow your imaginatio­n to flood into your work.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18)

A take-charge attitude is unusual for you, but you are likely to embrace that role at home. You want to open up to more fun, but for personal reasons, you might not be able to. Make sure you take an extra day off in the next week just for you. Tonight: Have a favorite meal.

This Week: Your playfulnes­s could deter a lot of important informatio­n from sinking in.

PISCES( Feb .19- March 20)

Communicat­ion flourishes and helps you understand a new perspectiv­e. You might not understand why you have been so resistant to this view. Worry less about your resistance, and enjoy the freedom of the moment. Invite others to join you. Tonight: Enjoy yourself.

This Week: Speak your mind clearly Monday. You will have This Week a lot to consider.


Film director Alfred Hitchcock (1899), TV personalit­y Danny Bonaduce (1959), sharpshoot­er Annie Oakley (1860)

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