The Sentinel-Record

Political ownership


Dear editor:

There was an excellent letter to the editor in The Sentinel-Record recently from a local businessma­n. He stated that he owned several businesses, was a strong contributo­r to the Republican Party, that he explained to his employees how to vote, and that he was very upset because his senators were not getting done what he was paying for!

That was a perfect letter to show what is wrong with this country. The wealthy now own all three branches of the federal government and many state government­s. Their money buys elections; their “elected” representa­tive’s agenda is to greatly reduce government control on fairness and equality so that they can make even more money. Safety and environmen­tal laws are weaker to benefit businesses, banking laws and oversight have been rolled back to pre-2008 looseness, and now the Consumer Protection Agency is being defunded so that business can continue to roll over us!

I suppose this businessma­n does not tell his employees who to vote for, but he probably says that if his candidates do not win, he will have not have jobs for several of them. Mr. Businessma­n, you do not own your employees and the elected representa­tives should not be your employees, but representa­tives of all citizens.

Money, power and greed now rule this country. Thankfully there are still a few elected representa­tives (John McCain) who believe in what so many have fought and died for, “… with liberty and justice for all.” Jim Pumphrey Garland County

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