The Sentinel-Record

Hillary and Benghazi


Dear editor:

Two letters were addressed to me today, Tuesday, Sept. 5.

The only thing that upset me was the statement, “Incidental­ly, I was surprised you didn’t mention Benghazi.” Mary, Mary quite contrary, will never let this go!

Would you be so coldhearte­d had one of the four men been your son? Did the men request security? How many times? What were they told? Did Hillary tell Chelsea immediatel­y that it was terrorists, then tell us and the parents it was a video? Did she say, “What does it matter at this point who killed them?” Did she say the parents were confused about what she told them?

Hillary has no conscience and lying comes naturally! How many times in the last 40 years have Bill and Hillary been under investigat­ion?

Sean Smith’s mother, Pat, has pleaded for Hillary to just tell her “Why?” This poor woman is heartbroke­n and I would pay to see a confrontat­ion between her and Hillary.

Another question: Did you see Hillary when she told reporters, so tenderly, that she sent our Navy SEALs to protect bin Laden’s family? I did! Two times! After leaving our men to fend for themselves. That should make every American angry!

One question for the guy listing Donald’s sins. Were you OK with Bill being president? That’s a beautiful sign downtown! Hot Springs — Boyhood Home of President Bill Clinton.

Thank God from whom all blessings flow. Mary Robinson Hot Springs

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