The Sentinel-Record

Arkansans would pay more


Dear editor:

The Republican tax cut is supposed to help the economy grow at a rate of 3 percent. The economy already is growing at 3 percent.

We don’t need to give any more corporate welfare to giant corporatio­ns that are already making insane profits now! The standard deduction will double, but the exemptions are gone, so right there your savings are very little, not double.

In Arkansas, employers are required to offer health care. The new tax plan will make us pay taxes on the amount of health care we receive, so now every working person in Arkansas will pay more in taxes. If you work at your school to help with tuition, you will now have to pay tax on the value of your tuition, so you will pay more in taxes.

The health care mandate will go away and 13 million healthy people will drop out of coverage. Only sick people who need insurance will stay in. If the insurance companies no longer get the money from 13 million policies, they will double the rates for the people who need it the most.

This tax bill will add to the deficit, so how do you think the Republican­s will try to offset that? They will cut your Medicaid, your Medicare and try to get your Social Security check that’s how!

First they will make everyone in Arkansas pay more, and then cut all the benefits you have earned!

Funny how the tax cut will only benefit the Trumps and the Koch brothers of the country huh? Look and see how much money our senators and congressme­n took from the Koch brothers, and you will see which ones are bought and paid for! Do you think they are going to do what’s right for us and our fellow Arkansans or what’s right for the Koch brothers? Scott Ruff Hot Springs

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