The Sentinel-Record

An endangered republic

- John S. Polk Hot Springs

Dear editor:

In 1787, as Benjamin Franklin left Independen­ce Hall on the final day of deliberati­on of the new Constituti­on, a nearby delegate reported that a lady came up to Dr. Franklin and asked him, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” In reply, Franklin answered, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Our current president could not answer the question posed to Dr. Franklin, since he doesn’t know the difference between a republican form of government and a monarchy. Even with the president’s ignorance of democratic institutio­ns, it is not hard to tell, by listening to him, that he prefers monarchs and dictators, ie., Vladimir Putin. Perhaps if his mind was not totally devoid of history and how our American constituti­onal government functions, he might project some sort of knowledge, but that is doubtful.

The president must be given some credit. He does know how to create imaginary rat holes and persuade his “Trumpite” followers to scurry down those holes following him on “wild goose chases” that lead them away from the real world into his fantasy land.

In 1776, when Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce, he listed the wrongs that King George III had committed against our ancestors in the colonies. It would not take much time to make a list of lies told and wrongs committed against the United States by our current president. By his actions taken almost daily, he is rendering our republic impotent, not only at home, but in the world at large.

We have heard enough of his lies and watched his irrational actions,

both at home and around the world. You can make your own list of wrongs, unless you are among those lost in one of those dark rat holes and can’t find your way out. Don’t wait until it’s too late to speak out!

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