The Sentinel-Record

‘Who is better?’


Dear editor:

Several years ago I saw an article entitled “Who Is Better, Jesus or Santa?” I wanted to share it with your readers for this Christmas season.

“Santa lives in the North Pole, but Jesus is everywhere.

“Santa comes once a year, but Jesus said He will always be with us.

“Santa rides in a sleigh, but Jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water.

“Santa comes down your chimney, but Jesus stands at your door and knocks.

“Santa has you stand in line to see him, but Jesus is as close as the mention of His name.

“Santa lets you sit on his lap, but Jesus lets you rest in His arms.

“Santa asks you your name, but Jesus knew our name before the dawn of creation.

“Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly, but Jesus has a heart full of love.

“Santa offers ‘Ho, ho, ho,’ but Jesus offers health, help and hope.

“Santa says, ‘You better not cry,’ but Jesus says, ‘Cast all your cares on me …’

“Santa’s helpers make toys, but Jesus makes new lives, mends hearts, repairs broken homes.

“Santa puts gifts under your tree, but Jesus became our gift and died on the tree.

“There really is not comparison. Jesus is the reason for the season.”

(Author unknown) Donald Cunningham Hot Springs

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