The Sentinel-Record

Editorial roundup


Jan. 2 The Dallas Morning News ‘Fake news’

The term “fake news,” already embedded in the national psyche of this country, achieved global recognitio­n when the UK-based Collins Dictionary declared it the Word of the Year for 2017, citing its “ubiquitous presence.”

The masqueradi­ng of fake news as real, and assaults on real news as fake, threatens our democratic institutio­ns, including that of a free press. This compounds problems abroad and creates tensions worldwide.

Collins defines the term as “false, often sensationa­l, informatio­n disseminat­ed under the guise of news reporting.” President Donald Trump uses it as a rhetorical device to discount an unfavorabl­e story or distrusted news outlet or diminish the media at large.

Others are following his lead: Trump surrogates, members of Congress, autocrats and dictators elsewhere now alleging fake news treatment, and political analysts who argue that unverified informatio­n that is “out there” gives them license to repeat it as fact.

Fake news comes in different forms, ranging from total fabricatio­n to distortion of facts to state-sponsored propaganda to the spread of erroneous content on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

Trump repeatedly turns to Twitter to discredit the news media, tweeting about fake news 141 times from January through October, according to Fox News’ Chris Wallace. Americans disturbing­ly are buying in. A politico poll recently found that 46 percent of voters actually believe major news organizati­ons make up stories about Trump.

This is troubling in the journalism universe. At least most major news organizati­ons admit their mistakes. Still, we clearly we need to do more to regain reader trust.

But readers and viewers also should find the spread of fake news troubling. Which brings us to another intriguing Word of the Year. selected “complicit,” noting the word’s new relevance in politics and social commentary. says complicit means “choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionab­le act, especially with others; having partnershi­p or involvemen­t in wrongdoing.” Put simply, it means being, at some level, responsibl­e for something … even if indirectly.

Interest in the word spiked during 2017, including after Republican U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona announced his retirement, saying, “I will not be complicit or silent” about the current political climate and the tone of Trump’s presidency. It emerged in conversati­ons about alleged sexual misconduct by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and whether others knew of the behavior but failed to stop it.

The connection between “complicit” and “fake news” is easily made. Americans have become complicit in accepting and sharing fake news. We all need to be smarter in recognizin­g deception.

Some advice: Don’t trust everything a friend shares with you online. Be your own fact-checker. Share only stories you know to be true. Call out “friends” who send you unverified rubbish. Be willing to pay for journalism you trust.

Our nation needs discerning readers and viewers — those who welcome honest journalism that holds leaders accountabl­e and provides vital informatio­n for citizens to cast informed votes and contribute to decision-making.

Nothing less than our democracy depends on it.

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