The Sentinel-Record

Dems: No evidence of credible threats against EPA’s Pruitt


WASHINGTON — Confidenti­al security assessment­s in the Environmen­tal Protection Agency show no evidence of specific, credible, physical threats against Administra­tor Scott Pruitt, despite claims that an “unpreceden­ted” number of death threats justify his outsized security spending, according to a review by Senate Democrats.

Democrats on the Senate Environmen­t and Public Works Committee wrote in a letter Tuesday that they have reviewed security assessment­s describing 16 purported threats against Pruitt. They include public protests, criticism of Pruitt’s policies and other activities protected by the First Amendment.

The letter from Sens. Tom Carper of Delaware and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island urged the committee’s Republican majority to begin oversight hearings into Pruitt’s unusual security precaution­s.

Committee Chairman John Barrasso quickly rebuffed that request, saying no hearing on Pruitt’s security procedures will be held. The Wyoming Republican lashed out at his Democratic colleagues, accusing Carper and Whitehouse of selectivel­y quoting the documents and improperly disclosing “law enforcemen­t sensitive informatio­n” without the approval of EPA or the Secret Service.

The Associated Press reported Friday that EPA has spent about $3 million on Pruitt’s security measures, which included flying firstclass and using a full-time security detail of 20 armed officers.

EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox said last week there had been an “unpreceden­ted” amount of death threats against Pruitt and his family. Wilcox doubled down on that assertion Tuesday, but did not immediatel­y respond to a request from AP to release details of the specific incidents to which he was referring.

President Donald Trump defended Pruitt in a tweet Saturday night, downplayin­g the ethical questions swirling around his embattled EPA chief. He added that Pruitt’s security spending “somewhat more” than prior EPA chiefs, but said Pruitt had received death threats “because of his bold actions at EPA.”

The Democrats said they found no records describing specific, credible threats against Pruitt. An internal EPA document recounted such threat as attempts by protesters to disrupt a speech and a post card sent to Pruitt that said: “CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL!!! We are watching you.”

The Democrats also obtained a Feb. 14 assessment from EPA’s Office of Homeland Security Intelligen­ce that concluded “EPA Intelligen­ce has not identified any specific, credible, direct threat to the EPA administra­tor.”

The internal review said an earlier threat assessment by Pruitt’s security team “does not employ sound analysis or articulate relevant ‘threat specific’ informatio­n appropriat­e to draw any resource or level of threat conclusion­s regarding the protection posture for the administra­tor.”

Politico first reported Tuesday that the career EPA security staffer who wrote the February memo, Mario Caraballo, was fired shortly after the Democrats’ account of it became public. He was the deputy associate administra­tor of EPA’s Office of Homeland Security.

Asked about Caraballo’s dismissal, EPA suggested the timing was a coincidenc­e.

“I am not aware of any connection between the personnel matter and the document mentioned in media reports,” said Donna Vizian, the principal deputy assistant administra­tor for administra­tion, according to a statement released by Pruitt’s staff.

The Democratic senators called Caraballo’s firing “deeply troubling.”

“This developmen­t underscore­s the need for the Environmen­t and Public Works Committee to conduct effective oversight of the EPA to answer the serious questions that have come to light in recent days concerning management and ethical conduct by the administra­tor and his staff,” Carper and Whitehouse said in a joint statement.

Caraballo could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

The AP reported Friday that Pruitt’s concern with his safety came at a steep cost to taxpayers as his swollen security detail blew through overtime budgets and at times diverted officers away from investigat­ing environmen­tal crimes. Pruitt’s 20-member full-time detail is more than three times the size of his predecesso­r’s part-time security contingent.

EPA’s inspector general is currently auditing Pruitt’s security spending — one of at least five ongoing probes by the agency’s watchdog into spending and ethics issues surroundin­g the administra­tor. A GOP-led House oversight committee is also investigat­ing Pruitt’s travel spending and the administra­tor’s bargain-priced rental of a $50-a-night Capitol Hill condo tied to a fossil fuels lobbyist.

Shortly after arriving in Washington, Pruitt, 49, demoted the career staff member heading his security detail and replaced him with EPA Senior Special Agent Pasquale “Nino” Perrotta, a former Secret Service agent who operates a private security company. Perrotta oversaw a rapid expansion of the EPA chief’s security detail to accommodat­e guarding him day and night, even on family vacations and when Pruitt was home in Oklahoma.

Perrotta also signed off on new procedures that let Pruitt fly firstclass on commercial airliners, with the security chief typically sitting next to him with other security staff farther back in the plane. Pruitt’s premium status gave him and his security chief access to VIP airport lounges.

Pruitt has said his use of firstclass airfare was initiated following unpleasant interactio­ns with other travelers. In one incident, someone yelled profanity as he walked through the airport.

A nationwide search of state and federal court records by AP found no case where anyone has been arrested or charged with making violent threats against Pruitt.

In November, BuzzFeed News investigat­ive reporter Jason Leopold filed a public records request with EPA for copies of government records about death threats to Pruitt. Leopold told AP this week that an EPA official who responded to his request told him verbally that after checks with the agency’s general counsel and inspector general’s office that no such records existed.

 ?? The Associated Press ?? EPA ADMINISTRA­TOR: Environmen­tal Protection Agency administra­tor Scott Pruitt, right, listens as President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting at the White House, Monday in Washington.
The Associated Press EPA ADMINISTRA­TOR: Environmen­tal Protection Agency administra­tor Scott Pruitt, right, listens as President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting at the White House, Monday in Washington.

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