The Sentinel-Record

Control your destiny — vote


Dear editor:

Institutio­ns that should be considered above reproach have fallen prey to endorsing and supporting issues from the 45th president that questions the foundation of everything in their belief system. You would have to think carefully regarding how and why Christian conservati­ves, and specifical­ly their leaders, justify their support given 45’s personal and presidenti­al demeanor. Are they willing to sell their souls to achieve specific goals as it relates to abortion, the Supreme Court and the future of SCOTUS. Even if any one of the issues identified in question was credible, the prepondera­nce of concerns in total is alarming.

The inaction or unquestion­ed support and seeming justificat­ion of 45’s presidenti­al demeanor, statements and actions are unbelievab­le and if biblical beliefs are the foundation for their actions, Christian conservati­ves have no rights to the moral high ground, as is evident by the degree of unimaginab­le hypocrisy. Then there is the dog whistle politics that keeps some of party’s fringe groups in check, words like MAGA, Charlottes­ville, full pardons, birthers, Obamacare, Southern white house, etc. Enough is enough.

When power is consolidat­ed to one party, the desire or need to compromise on issues no longer exists and views that could be considered extreme have an environmen­t for serious discussion­s and unfortunat­ely enacted into law. When that power is not managed with a vision that considers and includes the masses, we are doomed to failure.

The most effective way to begin the effort to regain a sustainabl­e balance to allow our society to thrive is to vote. You must understand the issues and understand how you and your family can be impacted, how laws affecting Social Security and Medicare are being undermined. Understand­ing the implicatio­ns of the national debt and deficit voted in by the Republican­s. Even reasonably thinking Republican­s realize that the direction the country is going cannot be sustained or justified. We must vote to regain a degree of accountabi­lity and balance to literally save our Union.

You have given the present political party the opportunit­y to lead and it’s not working, they have failed. Change is necessary; if not now, when? If not us, who? Republican leadership has to be challenged. Democrats, independen­ts and reasonable Republican­s have to vote for a new vision and road map. If over 18, you need to be registered so you can vote. If you need help, contact someone you trust or talk to community leaders and resources.

We need to embrace diversity, which is not a weakness but a strength of our democracy, which has been considered the gold standard for the world, which may be losing some of its luster. Women, minorities, immigrants and the other groups that make this country great have stepped up and want to serve and have a lot to offer. One quality that all candidates must exemplify is integrity, and in matters of style, comfortabl­e with their message and in matters of principle, stand like a rock. Support for them and their position will manifest itself.

Your next opportunit­y to define yourself to ensure your issues are addressed is the local election scheduled for May 22 and again in November. Know the candidates, the issues, their motivation to serve and vote your informed conscious for positive change, because our future depends on it. Register and control your destiny, vote! Jeff Stamps Hot Springs

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