The Sentinel-Record

Heads in the sand


Dear editor:

I must, respectful­ly, disagree with the assertion of D. Brown (June 29, 2018) that liberals fail to offer solutions for the problems they describe and decry. Liberals, mostly Democrats and independen­ts, have proposed approaches to and, often, solutions for many of the problems which our country faces. Unfortunat­ely, Republican­s obstruct, deny or refuse to consider these and our president is incapable of understand­ing the gravity of the problems or the nature of the solutions.

Thus, he withdrew from the Paris Accords. Ignorant of science, he sides with those who are willfully heading toward an overheated planet, the extinction of many species of animals and plants, the spread of disease, and the early death of millions. He is also proud of lowering taxes on the rich and would appear to admire the oligarchs and the obscenely wealthy in countries such as Russia and Saudi Arabia. His tariff proposals apply the petulant aggression of a schoolyard bully to a complex adult problem in world economics.

Republican­s generally favor gerrymande­ring election districts, denying access to health care, which includes abortion, to the poor and giving tax breaks to the wealthy. Our president admires and praises killers like Duterte, Kim Jong Un and Putin, and seems utterly blind to such matters as the Palestinia­n crisis and fossil fuel pollution. His reference to “clean, beautiful coal” are, at best, wishful thinking.

I’m not an expert on these matters, but I do know a bit of science and something of politics, and the sheer professed head-in-the-sand ignorance of Republican­s and their leaders and the sheep that kowtow to them in the Congress strain credulity.

Respectful­ly, D. Brown, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Stuart Silverman Hot Springs

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