The Sentinel-Record

Liberal talking points


Dear editor:

This letter is in response to Mr. Stuart Silverman, an apparent liberal, who took issue with a letter written by a D. Brown. First, Mr. Silverman claims liberals have proposed approaches and solutions for many of the problems our country faces and Republican­s have blocked them. He didn’t list any of these so-called solutions, because IMO they don’t exist except for their attempts to block anything Mr. Trump and the GOP tries to do. A perfect example of this is Sen. Schumer saying the Democrats will block any attempt to fix the immigratio­n problem because they want to keep the negative focus on Trump. Playing politics instead of trying to fix the problem. Of course, the mostly left-leaning media is complicit in this effort.

Concerning what President Trump has managed to accomplish, to name a few, includes pulling out of the Paris Accords, which would’ve accomplish­ed next to nothing in regard to reversing any climate change, assuming man has any significan­t role, while at the same time causing significan­t damage to our economy. Only the U.S. under Obama pledged to do anything immediatel­y, while many of the other countries had up till 2030 to accomplish anything close to meaningful; resulting in virtually nothing in regards to reducing any climate change. This was a bad deal for the U.S.

Mr. Silverman also presented the standard fear mongering concerning the alleged apocalypti­c results of undeterred climate change, something that has already been happening in various degrees since time began. Mr. Trump also managed to get through tax relief for everybody, not just the rich, which along with deregulati­on has gotten the economy moving again, and unemployme­nt to its lowest point in years. As a side note, IRS tax tables show every tax cut from JFK on has eventually shown in an increase in collected revenues due to their economy jump-starting nature. Concerning the debt, spending needs to be cut, that is the key.

Mr. Silverman goes on to criticize gerrymande­ring, which both parties do; denying health care; putting down coal production, a very cheap and plentiful resource; and attempting to establish meaningful and peaceful relations with some of the world’s bad guys. All these are typical liberal nonsensica­l talking points and not worthy of any further response.

Finally to his credit, Mr. Silverman acknowledg­es he is not an expert on these matters. I certainly and respectful­ly concur. Mike Williams Hot Springs Village

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