The Sentinel-Record

Police report flawed


Dear editor:

It happened last summer at the intersecti­on going into the Gorge from Grand (north side). I stopped at the stop sign at the same time as the car on my left (coming from the Gorge). When the car on Gorge Road went. I thought I had the right of way because I was on her right, so I went, watching to see if the next car stopped on Gorge Road, right of me, when I was hit so hard by the car on my left, I thought I’d hit a brick wall.

When the policeman came and took our statements, she claimed in her written statement (mine was oral) that she had the right of way because of rotation. He said he would write what we said and let the insurance companies deal with it.

They blamed me because of the police report. The police report omitted my statement. It only had her statement of rotation and went into detail. She claimed when I got to the stop sign, there was another car in front of me and the officer said I agreed to that. I did not.

The only two cars that I agreed to their position was the two cars at impact. What was not noted was that the other car went from a complete stop across one lane so fast she did $6,000 damage and my car had to be towed. Because of a flawed police report, I have to pay for her car to ram me!

I’m writing this to find out how many others this has happened to? Or was it because I’m a senior? Jane Dunigan Hot Springs

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