The Sentinel-Record

Trump’s tariffs could sow trouble for GOP in farm districts


SPANGLE, Wash. — In the aptly named Harvester Restaurant, wheat farmer Roy Dube makes clear he’s no fan of President Donald Trump’s trade policy.

“We get him elected into office and he pulls us out of trade agreements,” Dube said last week as local farmers gathered to hear Democratic House candidate Lisa Brown.

Dube says China is buying less wheat from eastern Washington farmers and Trump’s policies have opened the door for Australia and Canada to wrestle away business. His frustratio­n extends to his congressio­nal representa­tive, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who is the highest-ranking Republican woman in the House and running for an eighth term.

“I’m concerned that Cathy McMorris Rodgers didn’t put up more resistance,” Dube said.

The U.S. tariffs on agricultur­e products, sown by Trump, have grown into an election-year threat to Republican­s in rural districts that are heavily reliant on exports for their economy. With the livelihood­s of farmers at risk, opposition to the tariffs could make a difference in some races and help determine which party takes control of Congress.

McMorris Rodgers has made it clear she opposes the president’s actions on tariffs, but so far, the Republican-controlled House has not taken up legislatio­n to block them. Democrats characteri­ze GOP lawmakers as unable or unwilling to check Trump, who has declared that “tariffs are the greatest.”

“My opponent, though she would say she’s concerned and talking to the administra­tion about these issues, she’s still mostly a cheerleade­r for the president,” said Brown, a former state legislator.

Facing what appears to be the tightest re-election race of her career, McMorris Rodgers is emphasizin­g that she has encouraged the president to “move from tariffs to agreement.”

“I have made it very clear that I don’t support the acrossthe-board tariffs, that we should take a more targeted approach,” McMorris Rodgers told The Associated Press.

Clues that the president’s trade policies will play a role in the November midterm elections can be seen in Agricultur­e Secretary Sonny Perdue’s travel schedule. Over the past few months, he’s been to Eastern Washington to join McMorris Rodgers in meeting with farmers. He’s also been to California’s Central Valley to meet with farmers in the districts of Republican Reps. Jeff Denham and David Valadao. He also went to Iowa, where Republican Reps. David Young and Rod Blum are both in close races.

The battle for the Senate could also be affected by the tariff issue, particular­ly in North Dakota, Indiana and Missouri, where Republican­s hope to knock off three Democratic incumbents.

The president has tried to allay farmers’ concerns with an aid package of up to $12 billion to help them weather the trade war.

J. Read Smith, a rancher near St. John, Washington, said he shares Trump’s goal of seeking a level playing field in trade.

“But antagonizi­ng our trading partners is not the way to do it,” said Smith, who emphasized that he is not a Democrat. “I’m an American.”

Aaron Flansburg, who runs a diversifie­d farm near Pullman, Washington, said he’s skeptical the tariffs will change the way most farmers vote, though.

“Farmers often vote for Republican­s,” Flansburg said. “Whether that will change, I have my doubts.”

McMorris Rodgers said it’s her sense that voters are willing to give the president time to negotiate better agreements.

“Yes, there’s a lot of uncertaint­y. There’s a sense that we need to get these trade agreements into place as soon as possible, but there’s also a recognitio­n that for too long America has not taken action, especially against China,” she said.

The United States is scheduled to slap tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports Monday, adding to the more than $50 billion worth that already face U.S. import taxes.

China retaliated with its own tariffs on U.S. products. The world’s two biggest economies are clashing over allegation­s that China steals technology from American companies.

The Trump administra­tion also imposed a 25 percent tariff on imported steel and a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum that included imports from the European Union, Canada and Mexico — and just about everyone else — in the name of national security.

Those tariffs also drew retaliatio­n. For example, the EU targeted bourbon, a key industry in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home state of Kentucky, where Republican Rep. Andy Barr and Democratic challenger Amy McGrath are battling in a close election.

Overall, about 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how the president is handling trade negotiatio­ns with other countries.

Farm groups have testified in congressio­nal hearings that retaliator­y tariffs increase the cost of their products for customers abroad, giving foreign competitor­s an edge.

“The current tariffs, continuing back-and-forth retaliator­y actions and trade uncertaint­ies are hitting American agricultur­e from all sides and are causing us to lose our markets. Once you lose a market, it is really tough to get it back,” said Kevin Paap, president of the Minnesota Farm Bureau.

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, who is overseeing Democratic efforts in House races, pointed to Iowa as a state where he believes the administra­tion’s tariffs could backfire. He said primary turnout was up, in part because small family farmers and the businesses they buy from are worried. “I really believe that in those districts, you’ll see people come forward and hold everyone accountabl­e not standing up for them,” Lujan said.

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