The Sentinel-Record

Trump and Oprah lead surrogate campaigner­s


WASHINGTON — From President Donald Trump to Oprah Winfrey, top political surrogates are fanning out in key battlegrou­nd states to appeal to voters during the final days of the 2018 midterm campaigns.

Trump will rally his most loyal supporters in Columbia, Missouri, on Thursday night to boost the fortunes of Republican Senate candidate Josh Hawley in his razor-thin contest against Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. Vice President Mike Pence barnstorme­d Georgia for Republican gubernator­ial candidate Brian Kemp, while Ivanka Trump jetted to Nevada for Republican Sen. Dean Heller.

Democrats, meanwhile, enlisted Winfrey’s help to motivate Democrats and crossover voters in Georgia’s race for governor. Democrat Stacey Abrams is vying to become the nation’s first black female governor in her race against Kemp, Georgia’s secretary of state.

Former Vice President Joe Biden was headed to North Dakota to help Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, who is among the most vulnerable Senate Democrats and who has trailed Republican Kevin Cramer in public polling.

A look at campaign activities on Thursday:


Oprah Winfrey delivered a rousing speech in the Republican-leaning suburbs of Atlanta, urging voters to make history by backing Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Stacey Abrams in next week’s election.

Winfrey promoted Abrams as Vice President Mike Pence campaigned for Republican Brian Kemp in one of the nation’s highest-profile gubernator­ial races.

Winfrey praised Abrams as a “changemake­r” and drew cheers when she said she’s a registered independen­t who was not in Georgia at anyone’s request. “I paid to come here myself, and I approved this message,” Winfrey said.

Pence was making three campaign stops for Kemp across Georgia. He told GOP support-

ers, “I’d like to remind Stacey and Oprah and Will Ferrell, I’m kind of a big deal, too,” Pence said, referencin­g a Ferrell line from the film “Anchorman.” Ferrell campaigned in the state earlier this week.

“I’ve got a message for all of Stacey Abrams’ liberal Hollywood friends: This ain’t Hollywood. This is Georgia,” Pence said.


Utah Senate candidate Mitt Romney pushed back against Trump’s branding of the American media as an “enemy of the people,” writing that it diminishes a critical institutio­n to democracy.

In a blog post on his campaign website, Romney responded to Trump’s comments earlier in the week. Trump argued that “fraudulent” reporting on protests during his visit to a Pittsburgh synagogue and a nationwide mail-bomb scare targeting prominent Democrats contribute­d to anger in the country and that the press was the “true Enemy of the People.”

Romney, the 2012 Republican presidenti­al nominee and former Massachuse­tts governor, said every president has endured inaccurate stories, but “no American president has ever before vilified the American press or one of its profession­al outlets as an ‘Enemy of the People.’”

Romney added: “I cannot conceive of thinking or saying that the media or any responsibl­e news organizati­on is an enemy. The media is essential to our Republic, to our freedom, to the cause of freedom abroad, and to our national security. It is very much our friend.”


Los Angeles attorney Michael Avenatti, who represents porn actress Stormy Daniels and is considerin­g a 2020 presidenti­al bid, is launching his first political ad ahead of the midterm elections.

The Democrat tweeted out a clip of the 80-second digital ad for The Fight PAC. It features a litany of people who warn that they are “mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore” and are frustrated by “the lies,” “the cover-ups” and “the bigotry.”

Avenatti then appears on camera and says, “Our constituti­on says, ‘We the people, not ‘Me the president,’” he says. “Stand up. Join the fight club. Use your vote as your voice on Nov. 6.”


Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren urged college students in Ohio to vote for Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Richard Cordray, praising him as “the nerd we need.”

Warren headlined rallies Thursday at Ohio State University in Columbus and at Ohio University in Athens to help Cordray, who has been assailed by Trump.

The president has called Cordray a “far-left disciple” of Warren, a potential 2020 presidenti­al contender whom Trump frequently mocks.

Cordray led the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that Warren promoted. He faces state Attorney General Mike DeWine, a Republican, in a tight race for governor.

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