The Sentinel-Record

The would-be king


Dear editor:

He fancies himself greater than the powerful few, if only he could be as them. He rules with smoke, lies, and mirrors. His strength lies in division and fear.

The Red Caps and White Caps, along with the Fox and the Bear, enable him success against the Blue Caps who oppose him.

Kruschev said we would destroy ourselves from within. He would be amazed at Putin’s success in enabling us to achieve that.

Dialectica­l politics, lies, alternativ­e facts, and “fake news” rule the air.

When elections are compromise­d, Democracy is an illusion.

Anyone for internet voting? Knowledge is cheap, it’s only a fingertip away, therefore, ignorance is laziness.

Wisdom is expensive and a divine gift, while understand­ing is free to all with the “Good News.”

God’s Only Party, the Pharisees, and Sadducees look for David, yet would anoint Saul.

IL Duce seeks Adolf.

When the Eagle Lies with the Bear to oppose the Lion, the Bear quietly nibbles the Eagle’s feathers. As the Eagle flails, the Red Dragon rescues Babylon from the Sea.

Despair not, for there is the “Good News,” and Father will save His Children with His Son.

All may see. Some will see. Sadly, many will not. Bud Foshee Hot Springs

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