The Sentinel-Record

Letters to the editor


Taxes, Trump and ignorance Dear editor:

Last week, a gentleman questioned one of my past letters and my support for President Trump. In particular was my reference to most voters as ignorant (Webster’s defines ignorant as “lacking in knowledge”). I think it important voters should educate themselves and remove the ignorance of those seeking office. I have a list of things I consider important to the country and for elected positions, based on the U.S. Constituti­on. I apply each criterion to the incumbent and challenger using their performanc­e or written positions. This allows me to select the best person for the office. During the 2016 primary I applied my list to the presidenti­al candidates and Trump was not in the top three. When he won the nomination, I realized his D was better than the generous F-minus I gave Hillary.

The tax cuts are a product of Congress and not Donald Trump, even though he pushed some items. The tax cuts covered every tax bracket, not just for the rich. The IRS website (Statistics Table 3, 2016) indicates the top 1 percent of tax returns paid 36.5 percent of all personal income taxes. Those under

$40,000 taxable income paid 1.4 percent of total taxes. Those who pay taxes are rich by left-wing definition and must be punished.

The corporate tax rate reduction was to allow companies to invest in more facilities and create jobs. Stock buybacks move capital from one equity to another and pass through many IRA,

401(k) and post-tax investment accounts. None ends up in a shoe box in some rich individual’s money vault.

The lack of an increase in average income is a bit puzzling but some recent upward movement occurred. Lack of job creation, however, is a problem caused by our economic success and low unemployme­nt. New businesses lack skilled workers who are drug and alcohol-free who consistent­ly show up for work. You need trained workers to expand as well as capital.

Lastly, our national debt is concerning but is not caused by tax reductions nor current or past administra­tions’ budgets except for the Big 3 which suck up near 70 percent of our tax revenue. Until Congress gets the will to reform Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid our debt will grow. Social Security can be fixed by gradually shifting to a privatized version much like Australia, New Zealand and Chile have implemente­d. Dennis L. Bosch Hot Springs

Almost too late Dear editor:

A United Nations-backed study concerning the rapid decline of the natural world has been published and should be read by every person who cares about the future. (Google “The Rapid Decline of the Natural World-Vidal.”)

The premise of the study is that the cutting of forests, over-exploitati­on of seas and soils, and pollution of our air and water are all driving the world to the brink of disaster.

The intergover­nmental “Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversi­ty and Ecosystem Services,” prepared by more than

500 experts from 50 countries, runs over

8,000 pages and is called the greatest attempt yet to assess the state of life on Earth. Tens of thousands of species are said to be at high risk of extinction. We are using nature for our purposes at a higher rate than it can renew itself. In every region on Earth, nature’s ability to contribute food and fresh water to a growing human population is being compromise­d.

While climate change is a very important concern that threatens every area of the world, biodiversi­ty is said to be “just as important for the future of Earth as climate change.”

Two key statements from this report are paraphrase­d here:

• A February report from the U.N. warned that the loss of soil, plants, trees and pollinator­s such as birds, bats and bees undermines the world’s ability to produce food.

• An obsession with economic growth, coupled with a spiraling human population, is also driving this destructio­n. By 2050, the world’s population is expected to increase by 20 percent.

We need to be concerned about what Washington is doing — or not doing — about the environmen­t and about what will be left of our world to pass on to our children.

When commercial interests lobby for endangerin­g our pristine forests and oceans for the sake of the almighty dollar, we have to tell them no. No oil well or clear-cut forest ever contribute­d to the beauty of our world or to a healthy environmen­t.

It is almost too late for us to stop letting the promise of economic gains overshadow our good judgment. It is almost too late to clean up our air and water. It is almost too late to protect our descendant­s from having to fight over land for a place to live because there are just too many people for the available dry space.

It is almost too late. Gordon Smith Hot Springs

Stomp Out Hunger Dear editor:

Saturday, May 11, marks the 27th anniversar­y of one of America’s great days of giving — the National Associatio­n of Letter Carriers Stomp Out Hunger Food Drive.

Letter carriers walk through the community every day, often coming face to face with a sad reality for too many: hunger. So, each year on the second Saturday in May, letter carriers across the country collect nonperisha­ble food donations from our customers. These donations go directly to local food pantries to provide food to people in Hot Springs who need our help.

Last year, we collected over 71.6 million pounds of food nationally, feeding an estimated 64 million people. Over the course of its 26-year history, the drive has collected well over 1.67 billion pounds of food, thanks to a postal ser-

vice universal delivery network that spans the entire nation, including Puerto Rico, Guam and U.S. Virgin Islands.

The need for food donations is great. Currently, 42 million Americans — 1 in 6 — are unsure where their next meal is coming from. Sixteen million are children who feel hunger’s impact on their overall health and ability to perform in school. And nearly 5 million seniors over age 60 are food insecure, with many who live on fixed incomes often too embarrasse­d to ask for help.

Our food drive’s timing is crucial. Food banks and pantries often receive the majority of their donations during the Thanksgivi­ng and Christmas holiday seasons. By springtime, many pantries are depleted, entering the summer low on supplies at a time when many school breakfast and lunch programs are not available to children in need.

Participat­ing in this year’s Letter Carrier Stomp Out Hunger Food Drive is simple. Just leave a nonperisha­ble food donation in a bag by your mailbox on Saturday, May 11, and your letter carrier will do the rest. With your help, letter carriers and the U.S. Postal Service have collected over 1.67 billion pounds of food in the United States over the last 26 years as a national food drive. Please help us in our fight to end hunger, as we celebrate our 27th anniversar­y year in America’s great day of giving. Brad Tillery Hot Springs

Judged by achievemen­ts Dear editor:

This is in response to the letter written by Valerie Jones Gonzales.

What Ms. Gonzales fails to mention is that behavior is far more important than words. How many wife beaters say “I love you” both before and after the deed?

While President Tump’s mannerisms and language may be found irritating to some, he was elected because he promised to do what the voters thought important to be done. And while he is being constantly criticized, he continues to struggle to do what he promised the voters that he would do. And that is forthright and honest behavior!

Ms. Gonzales writes “what should be shared with colleagues and friends only.” What prompts her to write such a letter reflects badly on her as she cites APA and HIPPA standards, after having made her diagnosis without ever seeing the president in person!

I, however, believe that President Trump will be judged on what he accomplish­es and not on what he says or how he acts. Donald E. Hendricks Hot Springs Village

Trump and NPD Dear editor:

I appreciate­d the article the other day by Ph.D. Valerie Gonzalez where she defined the problem with our erratic president that he has a Narcissist­ic Personalit­y Disorder (NPD). I sent in a letter a year or so where I was disturbed that he called himself a Christian but as our actions speak louder than our words his actions show that he is not as the result of his many failures. He has absolutely no control over his actions. Some of these include: huge ego, ongoing anger issues, cannot accept criticism, very vengeful, a bully, has fired many of his staff who disagree with him, etc.

This week he was off and running again shooting from the hip expressing his complete dislike of Sen. McCain in his tweets and then at a meeting in Ohio upsetting a number of Republican­s. Another attack was on Kellyanne Conway’s husband and she is one of his top advisers. Trump called him “a stone cold loser and husband from hell!” He is definitely not the man to make “America Great” and the longer in office, the worse it will get! Mike Davidson Hot Springs

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