The Sentinel-Record

Why do they do it?

- C.G. Smith Hot Springs

Dear editor:

I heard a woman ask: “Why do so many support him? How can they believe his words and promises that either stretch the truth or beat it to death? Is there no decency left, no respect for the feelings of others? And are our children learning that if the president of the United States can do it or say it, loudly and proudly, it must be all right?”

Let’s take these questions one at a time, lady.

Many support him because they like him. They approve of his tactics of putting others down so that he can look better. They watch him on TV and read his inane tweets and say, “Go get ‘em! That’s just how I feel! About time that someone spoke up, letting the chips fall where they may.” Why so many? Because there are so many who act, speak, and personify an internal evil, but have not analyzed their own actions and words.

How can they accept half-truths, exaggerati­ons and outright lies? Because they speak and act the same way. This is their own outlook on life. “If it is not true, it’s close enough to get the message across. Besides, look at what the Democrats have said.” Never mind whether it is right or wrong.

On the question of decency and respect for others, yes, there are a lot of people who have lost their way. They put down those who disagree with them. Their religion is the only religion. They respect only those who see the world as they see it. Their parents’ teachings, and those of the church, are being abandoned. The Golden Rule has been forgotten.

And are our children learning that such loud, uninhibite­d attacks on others are all right? Are they being taught daily by example that there is no personal loyalty required in our daily lives, and so someone we praised yesterday can suddenly draw condemnati­on because he or she displeased us? You betcha!

If this unclean spirit is allowed to fester and is not challenged, there will be more of our young people who will fire automatic weapons into crowds and schools, and burn churches, and build bombs. Our children are growing up in an atmosphere of hate, not love; exclusion, not welcoming; destructio­n, not bridge-building.

Why do they support him? For some, he is the answer to prayer. They have been waiting a long time.

As I hear his wild statements (“If you don’t vote for me you will lose your retirement fund.” “I am the chosen one.” “I was put here by people to do a great job, and that’s what I am doing”), I wonder how America has lost its way. How can we smile and applaud and accept what used to be unacceptab­le?

I have no answer except to repeat that he epitomizes what many people feel in their hearts. But now it is my turn

to say, “I have had enough. Surely there is someone who will return decency, order and good will to the White House.”

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