The Sentinel-Record

Global warming


Dear editor:

Please settle the matter, but use the facts.

We (Earth) has been warming forever, but “we” (the people) have nothing to do with the end results or the beginning.

Fact: the Universe is expanding and has been. Can anyone (mankind) stop that?

Fact: the Sun is expanding and has been. Can anyone (mankind) stop that?

The One Who Created the Universe is The One Who set it in motion. “God.”

And only “He” (God) knows when and how our time here on Earth will end.

You may ask: How do you know? Science indicated the glacier that made The Great Lakes (largest freshwater lakes) in the United States was between 11,000 B.C. And 2,000 B.C. During “Pleistocen­e” of or belonging to the geologic time of the two epochs of the Quaternary Period. Characteri­zed by a succession of northern glaciation­s and the appearance of humans.

Mind you, no factories, cars, buildings, trains, nor civilizati­on with billions of people for thousands of years, etc. … Yet, there was great melting? And climate change in many areas on earth before people having any effect on anything concerning the earth. Scientists tell us at one time that Mercury and Venus had water present on them, but no longer, they are dead planets, which have lost their polar and magnetic fields due to the expanding Sun. So, guess who’s next in line — “The third planet from the Sun.” Don’t fret right now, it won’t be for some billion years give or take. We are more likely to go out due to some asteroid (like the dinosaurs), volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate shifts, biohazardo­us substances, plagues, disruption in our food chain, or any number or combinatio­n of catastroph­ic means not mentioned. Some may be in our control, but most are not, and trillions of dollars won’t get us one step closer to being in control.

What we can do is keep our waters and planet as clean as possible. Don’t destroy our food chain. Identify and stop destructiv­e behaviors in our control and make those who behave in these destructiv­e ways accountabl­e. Make sure you personally are ready to meet your Maker “God” no matter when or where, by His saving grace Jesus Christ. Knowing that this Earth is just a temporal home for all, and that we should do our best to take care of it, for us and our progeny. Know God and accept His Son Jesus Christ as your personal savior, live accordingl­y, and be ready to leave at His will at any moment. If you would like to know more about Who, What, When, Where, Why and How consult/read “The Book.” Title: “The Holy Bible” Author: “The Creator, “God.” Find a good church that teaches the complete truth with facts from the “Bible” if you can’t understand or read it on your own, but don’t just wait for the End unprepared.

May we all be ready.

P.S. Retired teacher of 36 years.

E.J. Echols Hot Springs

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