The Sentinel-Record

Letters to the editor


Enough is enough

Dear editor:

Everyone is upset with Trump over Syria. I guess our political Elites have forgotten that their greed and stupidity (Bush) has destabiliz­ed the Middle East.

Trump is not a perfect human, but he stood up and told our politician­s no. We are not the world’s police officer. All our police actions throughout the world have made the world a more chaotic and dangerous place.

Our politician­s are traitorous cowards that start wars that line their pockets with riches and in exchange we get dead soldiers and dead Marines. No more dead soldiers or dead Marines! Enough is enough. Michael P. Lucas Hot Springs

Call for unity

Dear editor:

A recent letter urged Americans to put aside their disagreeme­nts and divisions and, if I read it right, to close ranks behind our present leader.

I submit that the only time we should unite is when we have a leader who stands for truth, honesty, loyalty to friends, and who has the ability to guide our country with dignity and honor back into a place of leadership in the world.

The slogan “Make America Great Again” sounded magnificen­t a couple of years ago. Some of us had thought that America was already great. Silly us! We waited to see what he had in mind. We just did not understand his frame of reference. Our president has shown that he holds a world view that puts American interests first, at any price. Lift that treaty! Tote that embargo!

America is great. We need a leader who recognizes this fact, and who has a sense of history that will inform him as to how we got this way.

He refers to fulfilling his campaign promises by abandoning the Kurds, and probably anyone else to whom we have promised friendship and trust, in order to disentangl­e us from foreign alliances and responsibi­lities. This approach tends to make our friends anxious. They know that they could be next. Our president’s answer is, “Who cares? We can be great again, and independen­t, by building barriers, physical and financial, against other nations and peoples.”

Like it or not, we live in a one-world reality. It should not be our main concern to achieve great things for America at the expense of other nations. We are all in this together, to make the world great again.

Unity is a good concept, but I will not throw in with a narcissist who has self-centered motives, as he supports and rewards only those who agree with him, calling all others condemnato­ry names the way a child would, firing members of his own advisory staff, who had been selected by him, because they try to advise, and chastising Congressio­nal leaders or world leaders when they dare disagree with him.

Unity for the sake of unity sometimes brings about nothing more than a united evil body with less than honorable intentions.

The next time you see or hear our leader on the “fake news,” listen carefully. Read his lips. Is anyone forcing him to make outlandish statements? Can you tell when he is joking and when he is serious? When he praises someone, make a note, and record the number of days (hours?) before he is condemning that person for some reason understood by him alone.

If this is what you want, by all means, unite behind him.

If you want something else, look for a replacemen­t. C.G. Smith Hot Springs

Well-regulated militia

Dear editor:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” (Second Amendment — Bill of Rights).

Why is the purpose of the Second Amendment minimized in the argument over gun control?

When someone walks/rides around with an assault weapon, are they a member of a “well regulated Militia’”?

As a military veteran and gun owner, as well as a parent and grandparen­t, we need to have an adult conversati­on about gun control.

How can we have a Free State and have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with people walking around (like Bathhouse Row), with their “God-given constituti­onal right to bear arms”? But the problem is far deeper. Anyone in this world who claims that only he can fix it, is a liar and the Truth is not in him.

Anyone who claims (or believes) he is the Chosen One is a liar and the Truth is not in him.

The Liar is greater than any one person and he is in all groups and peoples. His strength is in division and fear. (Us vs. Them). He revels in “vs’,” for he is in a win, win.

IL Duce seeks Adolf.

Iblis whispers in the Ears and laughs as the House burns. But the Cornerston­e and Foundation remains and the Temple will be rebuilt.

Despair not, for there is the Good News. All may see, some will see, sadly, many will not.

Father will save His Children with His Son.

Christ Jesus, the Messiah, Emmanuel. For the Abominatio­n of Desolation is nearer each day as we stumble in our spirits. Bud Foshee Hot Springs

Stop the whining

Dear editor:

In answer to Bruce Smith’s letter, let me start with: Dear Left-Wing Lunatics who represent your Left Wing Lunatic base. Please, oh pretty please, could you Republican legislatur­es do what Pelosi’s LeftWing Lunatics want and impeach President Trump? An impeachmen­t inquiry normally begins with a vote to begin an inquiry. She won’t do that because she knows she can’t even count on all her Democrat votes. She knows they’d look silly if she had them vote and it would end there.

Three years after losing they can’t get over the fact that he won and she lost. They’ve whined, they’ve cried they tried the Russian collusion scam which didn’t fly because even the 18 Swamp Rat Lawyers under Mueller and despite the efforts of

40 some FBI investigat­ors and $40 Million came up blank simply because the whole scam was puked up by the Clinton campaign working hand in hand with Obama partisans in the so-called Justice Department who worked hand-in-hand with their partners in the MSM to try and overturn an election with what was in effect an attempted coup of a duly elected president.

Now in order to avert attention from the real issue, old Joe and his son Hunter who was kicked out of the Navy for snorting cocaine then fresh out of drug rehab despite having no expertise gets appointed to an Ukrainian Energy Board paying him

$50,000 a month. Not a year … a month. Then on a trip to China on Air Force 2 Hunter and Kerry’s son are the beneficiar­ies of a $1.5 billion equity deal worked out with the Chinese. No wonder Joe said: I see no threat with China. This is spelled out in a book by Peter Schweizer, Secret Empires: How the American Political Class hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.

The Post just gave Schiff 4 Pinocchios for lying, if Schiff got one for every lie he’s told his nose would reach from the Capitol building to the Lincoln Memorial. It’s about protecting the Swamp against someone who vowed to drain it. The socalled Whistle Blower, like many there are not working for the people of this country but for the Democrats and the Swamp. All getting rich together.

People like Bruce will never understand it. They’ve been taken in. The Democrats have to throw them a bone, that’s what this so-called inquiry they won’t vote on is. A show so people like Bruce who still harbor rage and hate about a now three-year-old election think the Democrats are doing something. He won, what will you do if he wins again? Keep whining and crying for another four years? Larry Bauer Hot Springs Village

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