The Sentinel-Record

Today in history


On Dec. 19, 1998, President Bill Clinton was impeached by the Republican-controlled House for perjury and obstructio­n of justice (he was subsequent­ly acquitted by the Senate).

In 1777, during the American

Revolution­ary War, Gen. George Washington led his army of about 11,000 men to Valley Forge, Pennsylvan­ia, to camp for the winter.

In 1946, war broke out in Indochina as troops under Ho Chi Minh launched widespread attacks against the French.

In 1950, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was named commander of the military forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on.

In 1960, fire broke out on the hangar deck of the nearly completed aircraft carrier USS Constellat­ion at the New York Naval Shipyard; 50 civilian workers were killed.

In 1974, Nelson A. Rockefelle­r was sworn in as the 41st vice president of the United States in the U.S. Senate chamber by Chief Justice Warren Burger with President Gerald R. Ford looking on.

In 1975, John Paul Stevens was sworn in as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 1986, the Soviet Union announced it had freed dissident Andrei Sakharov from internal exile, and pardoned his wife, Yelena Bonner. Lawrence E. Walsh was appointed independen­t counsel to investigat­e the Iran-Contra affair.

In 1997, James Cameron’s epic film “Titanic” opened in U.S. theaters.

In 2001, the fires that had burned beneath the ruins of the World Trade Center in New York City for the previous three months were declared extinguish­ed except for a few scattered hot spots.

In 2002, Secretary of State Colin Powell declared Iraq in “material breach” of a U.N. disarmamen­t resolution.

In 2003, design plans were unveiled for the signature skyscraper — a 1,776-foot glass tower — at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City.

In 2008, citing imminent danger to the national economy, President George W. Bush ordered an emergency bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

Ten years ago: A U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen ended with a nonbinding accord to show for two weeks of debate and frustratio­n; the deal was brokered by President Barack Obama, who attended the conference on its final day. A snowstorm paralyzed much of the eastern U.S. on the last holiday shopping weekend.

Five years ago: President Barack Obama said Sony Pictures Entertainm­ent “made a mistake” in shelving “The Interview,” a satirical film about a plot to assassinat­e North Korea’s leader; Sony defended its decision, saying it had no choice but to cancel the film’s Christmas Day theatrical release because the country’s top theater chains had pulled out in the face of threats.

One year ago: President Donald Trump announced that all 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria would be leaving that country, a move that sparked alarm and outrage from Republican lawmakers and prompted the resignatio­n of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Trump explained the decision by declaring victory against the Islamic State group. The Federal Reserve raised its key interest rate for the fourth time in 2018 to reflect the economy’s continued strength, but signaled that it expected to slow its rate hikes in 2019.

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