The Sentinel-Record

The final arbiters


Dear editor:

It was with great interest I read the “Powerful vs. people” letter to the editor.

Since I am not powerful, I have a people view of President Trump and his accomplish­ments. It’s all about the economy, stupid. It seems the writer agreed; the economy is robust. I must admit I swallow hard with some of the Trump tweets. I also agree President Trump admits he is not a politician. Honesty in politics seems to be an oxymoron. Reagan, Clinton and Johnson were master politician­s. The master politician­s never opened their kimonos with the transparen­cy of President Trump.

I, too, like the writer, am concerned about the direction of our country. I never thought I would see a socialist in the Democratic Party leading in the Iowa caucus. Obviously, the socialist has little chance to win the nomination but it’s the socialist way — two steps forward one step back. In 2024, the Democratic socialist position will be stronger. For example, I never thought I would see the powerful House leader have to change her position, “no impeachmen­t if the vote is not bipartisan.” A show of strength that the socialist left has on the speaker and the party. The speaker was correct; the impeachmen­t was a mistrial before the process even started. If the Democratic Party had listened to the gifted speaker the whole impeachmen­t process would have been null and void.

The great thing about this country is that in 275 days, I, we the non-powerful people will get to be the final arbitrator as to the future of President Trump. It’s obvious that no single elegant solution exist to ensure that politician­s can met the diverse wishes of the American people. However, with all its warts and flaws America is still the greatest country on God’s green earth. Please vote. Morris Polston Hot Springs Village

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