The Sentinel-Record

Raising comfort levels


Dear editor:

I wore my mask today as I shopped in Kroger. The employees and many customers were also wearing them. There were also customers who were not masked. I was concerned, so I went on the internet and did a search on “how good is my mask.” The result was scary. Most said the fabric masks like most are wearing, including me, cannot prevent you from getting the virus. On a positive note, they do help by containing the expulsion of possible virus vapor into the immediate area. The cloth face cover is not a substitute for social distancing. You can search that for yourself. Maybe the people wearing masks were protecting me? What about the unmasked? Was I safe? Oh, dear! Worry, worry! Then I thought, let’s be calm; don’t panic, let’s return to some reason.

Let’s reason this out. Today it was reported there are 4,200-plus cases of COVID-19 in Arkansas with active cases being a little more than 850. These cases are in quarantine or other care. None of those unfortunat­e people were in Kroger today. Today it was reported that there are 118 cases in Garland County with six still active. None of those were in the store, either. Today it was reported that there was one new case in Garland County. He/ she was not in the store.

Maybe in spite of the quality of my mask, I was safe after all. Maybe the mask wearers felt safer with their masks. Maybe they felt uncomforta­ble about those without masks. Comfort is very important to many in these trying times.

I will continue to wear my mask so others will feel comfortabl­e.

P.S.: The 118 cases who were not in Kroger today will not be in your favorite restaurant tonight. Mel Hilliard Hot Springs

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