The Sentinel-Record

Educationa­l standards

- Jerry Wayne Davis Hot Springs

Dear editor:

Most profession­s have education and licensing standards. An accountant may be a CPA or a physician may be and medical doctor and licensed to practice. Licensing and certificat­ion take years of schooling and advanced degrees. We do not want an accountant that failed math or a physician with only a Boy Scout First Aid Merit Badge. Standards are required of profession­als.

This is not the case for Protestant ministers. Research by The Harvard Divinity School, shared data of the Protestant ministry in the United States. Data show only 20% of the Protestant ministers in North America have had a college and postgradua­te divinity school course. The other

80% do not have to have an education beyond high school and no theologica­l training at all. This is how our

6,222 protestant denominati­ons in this country can be led by spiritual quacks and theologica­l illiterate­s. In contrast, Catholic priests have six years of rigorous training before they are permitted to be priest. This requires theologica­l training and multiple languages.

“In the Protestant ministry, a theologica­l degree after a college degree does not make a person a minister. One must be ordained by a church. As long as Protestant denominati­ons are willing to ordain the uneducated in their ministries, the seminaries are helpless. The responsibi­lity for the present deplorable situation rests primarily upon churches rather than upon divinity schools.” This ordination is often by board members

equally undereduca­ted. People can even be ordained online. This is the weak link to improving the standards of the ministry and education in churches. “Theologica­l seminaries want Protestant denominati­ons to limit and ultimately abandon altogether the habit of ordaining uneducated men to the ministry. Harvard Divinity School is backing up the Conference of Seminaries in an attempt to raise the general standard of the profession of the ministry.”

The lack of formal theologica­l education is a major problem contributi­ng to the decline of churches and Christiani­ty. The fundamenta­lists and evangelica­ls are increasing the speed of this decline with a failure to recognize the problem. Data show that churches have lost 5 million members, that 4,000 new churches start each year but 7,000 close, that 1,500 pastors leave the ministry each year and that churches lost 3,500 members per day last year. This denial and wishing it were not so will not change the facts of what is happening — https://www.pastoralca­

The lack of educationa­l requiremen­ts for Protestant ministers contribute­s to significan­t damage to society. This perpetuate­s prejudice, divisivene­ss, and ignorance for Christians. Why would Churches and members choose the uneducated to lead them in something as important as religion?

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