The Sentinel-Record

Priorities needed


Dear editor:

I am appalled. Cancel history. No civics classes. No American history classes. Discount the past instead of using it as a learning experience. Overthrow the police. Discontinu­e law and order. Cancel small business. Cancel student loans. Entitlemen­t income for everyone. Street drugs and free abortion on demand. Discontinu­e ethics, morality, and political honesty. Remove “In God We Trust” as our motto. Make global warming and the salvation of the snail darter the highest priorities for us.

In politics, it seems that it is culturally OK to lie, slander and make false accusation­s. The main street media has become an arm of the liberal establishm­ent. Character assassinat­ion, as in the Judge Kavanaugh hearings, has become commonplac­e. Anything to win is acceptable. Falsehoods are OK in love, war, Ping-Pong, and politics.

The media has taken President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech (probably the best speech he has ever given) and twisted it so as to encourage the culture war between the haves and the have-nots. Jealousy prevails. The main street media is pretty much unified in its goal to harm the president and his reelection in the eyes of all of us peasants out here in the flyover states who they say are not smart enough to know what is best for us or our country.

Many of our people have lost “purpose.” Not knowing and understand­ing our great history has created a void in our goals of living in pursuit of “Life, Liberty, and Happiness.” The vacuum in which we are misinforme­d or uninformed allows many of us to follow Pied Pipers who will lead us into socialism, communism and the ultimate implosion of our great country. Think “Mad Max.” We are much like the 16-year-old boy in the back seat of his mother’s Plymouth who fails to understand that the decisions of today will create consequenc­es that will be with us forever. Many of the “woke” folks out there will fail to understand this analogy.

The liberals want to win at any cost. They even want to add two more Democrat-controlled welfare states: the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico (with years of corruption and mismanagem­ent), which will add more liberal Democrat senators and representa­tives for them in Congress — and force the rest of us to pay for their entitlemen­ts and their deficits (unfunded pension plans being the largest).

Our priorities should be a strong military, strong employment, lower taxes, lower use of entitlemen­ts which encourage laziness, and better import/export trade balances. If we are strong economical­ly, we will have purpose. Massive attention (instead of disrupting a sitting president) needs to paid to putting a noose around the neck of the drug companies and the medical insurance companies — both of which plunder all of us peasants on a daily basis.

Congress should turn its attention to immigratio­n reform and creating a pathway to citizenshi­p so this great country can harness the millions of immigrants who have come here for a better life — just like our own ancestors did.

John Grillo Hot Springs

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