The Sentinel-Record

Today’s ‘slaves’


Dear editor:

Yesterday’s slaves were the African American people. They knew they were slaves. It shouldn’t have happened.

Today’s slaves have been so manipulate­d they don’t even realize they are slaves — slaves being recruited to break the law — spitting in cops’ faces, destroying other’s property, stealing, burning the “Stars and Stripes Great American Flag,” destroying federal property, taking over cities with no consequenc­e, etc.

I had prayer requests last time I wrote. This time I have one simple question, requiring one simple, one-word answer — “If” the hoodlum slaves vote, will it be Trump? Or will it be Biden?

It is nerve-shattering that the socialist Dems threw a million-dollar “for show” funeral for a Black man killed by a cop, while letting innocent Black children murdered every weekend where they live, go nameless. Shame! The only thing you can call it is “evil.”

Recently, we watched a creep walk past an elderly woman (90-plus), punch her in the face, knocking her and her walker to the ground. He looked back and saw her on the ground. This thug lacked exactly what he and the other thousands expect from everyone else for themselves — decency and respect. Do we know his name? Or her name? A total sham! The money behind the open thuggery in the streets could care less whether the lady is OK today. This evil movement hates the United States of America and the majority of their slaves are clueless!

Joe Biden’s party is the owner of the lawlessnes­s and is silent!

When we shut God out, we invite evil in. We have an elected official Democrat woman in our government who has openly derided those of Christian faith and was upset that a person “scrunched” their shoulders, only when referring to “ISIS!”

By the way, why is President Donald J. Trump, expected to know how to handle an unknown health issue (COVID-19) when the millions of members in the health profession of the human race, don’t?

If delving into Joe’s foreign crooked big-dollar schemes is anything like Mueller’s special counsel on Donald, Donald’s will look like a birthday party. Socialist Dems know this, don’t they? Another unwitting slave? V.P. choice?

P.S.: David Webb, in discussing the changing the American Indian names of sports teams, with four silly women, made a great observance “Teams are named for strong people, not weak ones.” Hillary just said she knows she could have handled the virus better than Trump — even for us “Deplorable­s?” Like you handled Benghazi? No thanks! I have heard three people, in the know, say recently, concerning the vandalism, what I have said for three years — “Get to the Bottom of it!” Thank God! Mary Robinson Hot Springs

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