The Sentinel-Record

Best person for the job


Dear editor:

I was surprised by George Will’s column in the Viewpoints (July 9). Suggesting that Biden take Karen Bass, who will be 67 years old and Biden 78 years old on Jan. 20, should they win the election in November. I am not against the woman because she is African American, as George describes; it’s her age. Democrats and Republican­s keep putting forth “old white guys,” now they want to throw in “old Black women?” Not to mention that he states that “Biden would not need to worry about her “one-upping him,” because she has “no aspiration­s” to be president.”

Here’s another example of conflict, why can’t we just say our representa­tives are Americans? I have no prejudices about the color of someone’s skin or male vs. female of the candidates. I hope that most Americans will decide to place the best person for the job, in the job. I would hope that they have good Christian values and would push forward an agenda that promotes the valves that I share for our country. I want an “all inclusive” America, because this is our nation, our values as Americans should be at the forefront of the person we elect as president and vice president.

Karen Bass may be a great running mate for Joe Biden, but you need to remember one thing, it is the vice president who steps forward should the president not be able to fulfill his/her duties. I am no doctor, but I feel sad when I hear the sound bites of his speeches, I think the man clearly has signs of dementia. L.J. Gibson Hot Springs

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