The Sentinel-Record

Letter to the editor Using ‘common sense’


Dear editor:

Re: “COVID by the numbers” by Bill Wiedmann, in answer to my letter, I’m glad he mentioned that. Let’s use a little common sense or better know as horse sense. The reason the numbers were less in the other countries of the world is because they weren’t protesting and rioting every day, looting, burning and attacking the police and even killing them. Ours weren’t wearing masks, practicing social distancing and things that lessened the spread of the virus. He blamed it all on the president. First, let’s get one thing straight. It’s the governor’s responsibi­lity to run the state. Our governor went on TV every night dealing with what would stop the spread. The governors said they didn’t want Trump or the military in their state. He comes when invited. That’s the reason Bush didn’t go to New Orleans until invited by the governor and mayor. He went when they asked for his help. Trump only sent troops to Portland when the rioters and looters and burners were destroying federal property.

When the governor of New York asked for ventilator­s and help, our president sent them and a Navy Hospital ship, the Comforter, which had a thousand beds on it. I talked personally to the charge nurse sent to one of the nursing homes. They had several rooms damaged from the storms that they weren’t using. They had to get them ready for patients from the hospital. NEWS: NYC Mayor and health officials misled the public about plans to move COVID-19 patients into nursing homes. NYC nursing homes forced to take coronaviru­s patients and sent messages to bury bodies of coronaviru­s victims in a mass grave on NYC’s Hart Island on April 9.

Only 181 patients were put on the Navy ship, then they told they didn’t need them anymore. And about the ventilator­s; they were told not to use them. I got this from the horse’s mouth.

The blame for the trouble is on the people. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14. If God’s people would seek his face he would heal our land. But if not he would send judgment. Is global warming the problem today? If it is, it is God’s doing because of man’s wickedness. Mount Pinatubo, in the Philippine­s, erupted for one year putting more carbon in the atmosphere than mankind since he has been on Earth. God said if you don’t repent, I can start a fire that you can’t quench. He said I can take the sea and pour it our on dry land and cause a flood. Folks, judgment has already started and if you want it to stop, just repent of your wickedness and greed and get back to God. God said when judgment comes, all the gold and silver won’t help you. The world can spend itself into the poor house and it won’t stop God’s judgment.

Clyde Edds Jessievill­e

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