The Sentinel-Record

Enough is enough


Dear editor:

When will enough be enough? Here they go again! The point has been made by other “Letter” writers that a temporary tax is never temporary. But, also ArDOT is banking that voters have short memories. They try to make the fallacious case that it’s not a new tax.

Not many remember when the AHTD was made a constituti­onally separate state agency. Not accountabl­e to the Legislatur­e for a budget every two years like the rest of the agencies (except the Game and Fish agency). They have access to all the taxes on gas and diesel, and use taxes, plus federal highway dollars. A few years ago, we gave them access to general tax revenues with no accountabi­lity to the Legislatur­e — on a temporary basis!

A number of years ago, the “leaders” of this state saw fit to make the highway department a constituti­onally separate agency; that neither would have to ask for a biannual budget, nor be held accountabl­e to the Legislatur­e.

The ArDOT “commission­ers” and “director” are accountabl­e to no one. Not one taxpayer can ask how much the highway department takes in, how much is spent, where it is spent, or how much in reserve is held. No one!

Now, these unaccounta­ble “Untouchabl­es” want to dip into general revenue, on a permanent basis, without so much as a “by your leave” or any mechanism for accountabi­lity. The state Constituti­on is no place for a tax. If this Act No. 1 passes we will be saddled with the tax forever!

Don’t be fooled by their hope that voters have short memories. Vote no on the sales tax initiative Nov. 3. Vote no to more debt and Act No. 1. Vote no to taxation without accountabi­lity. It’s time to take control. “We the People. … ”

R.T. Reynolds

Hot Springs

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